Sunday, December 1, 2019

US Representative Congressman Ander Carson

Ander Carson has been in the U.S. congress for a few years, but after beginning as a Democratic Committee Person in the year 2000, he has been featured in several committee assignments (William par 1).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of these assignments are generally the government funded ventures which made it possible for Indiana to continue receiving funds from President Barack Obama’s administration. Recently, he challenged the congress by proposing for a new Grant Program that would enable the low-income families to â€Å"†¦access the locally grown food and vegetables† (House Government par.1). He has considered it to be a benefit for Americans in terms of health and access to food throughout the year. While in Miami, 2011, Ander accused the members of the Tea Party that they wanted to hang him on a tree an d bring Jim Crow back instead. This happened when the Congressional Black Caucus’ members was visiting 5 cities in the month of August (Calvin par.8). In February 2011, despite a majority supporting the Bill, Ander Carson voted against the Rooney Amendment 13 to H.R 1 Bill that advocated for the environmental protection of Florida environment from the high levels of phosphorus and neurotoxin chemicals which contaminated its waters (Calvin par.9). In April 2012, Ander successfully passed a bill to protect the small businesses due to the income tax deduction (Danson par. 4).Advertising Looking for report on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This bill proposed a 20% deduction of tax for all employees considered to employ less than 500 employees in the business. In fact, many small businesses would benefit from the assignment committees of the government funds. Ander’s views Madrassa as the ideal education system for America, especially if it follows the Islamic model. He is a Muslim and has seen how such a system works, and considers it to have a multiple of benefits if well-employed (Schultz par.5). Most of the schools using the Madrassa Education System within the U.S are funded by Muslims. Commentary In fact, it has been reported that Anderson was the one who gathered various reporters and spoke many lies about the Tea Party though that was a wrong decision (Sherman par. 4). It was a betrayal of his colleagues and considered to be so bad that it even appeared in the Sunday Talk show as well as in the headlines just before the Obama Care Vote. I do respect Ander Carson, but I do not agree with some of his commentaries on his fellow colleagues, especially those made at the Tea Party. He owes an apology to all the frontline fighters for civil rights for making insults to them (Paul par. 3). Those comments were thoughtless and unnecessary. This shows that he can never be trusted by hi s colleagues who closely work with him.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a matter of fact, there is no single leader from the Tea Party who has advocated for neither the return of the Jim Crow Legislation nor the lynching of blacks. Over the years, Carson has been very active in passing many bills in the U.S. Congress that have helped many Americans. I do agree with his view of the low income families earning a living by growing vegetables and other agricultural commodities. These foods are natural and, therefore, do not interfere with the health of the consumers. It will help many Americans live healthier than they did before. Most Americans have overweight complications and other diseases associated with the chemicals found in the fast food. Therefore, the Grant Program will be supported by many due to the many benefits associated with it. Carson should have supported the Rooney Amendment 13 Bill at the Congress as a person who has been in the frontline for the improvement of lives of Americans. The environment should be kept clean just like he is now proposing for the consumption of the natural foods. Despite the fact that he had voted against the bill, it was passed after majority of the members had supported it (Danson par.6). The bill for deduction of income tax for the small businesses is a good idea as it motivates many small businesspeople to continue employing the Americans since they have enough funds left to pay them well.Advertising Looking for report on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The only problem is that 500 employees are too many to be considered a small business. The limit should be reduced to around 300 employees. I think there are many issues likely to be encountered if Carson continues proposing for the Muslim model of the Madrassa Education System (Jason par.7). This is a very sensitive issue, and it appears that he has some interests of religion which may go well only with Muslims but not for the Christians. He should be careful in his commentary not to have a bad reaction from the Christians in America. Despite the negative sides of Carson, he has successfully assisted many Americans, which is a good thing, by protecting the Wall Street Consumers while serving in the Capital Markets Authority Committee. Carson has done well in his term at the Congress. Works Cited Benson, Jason. Video: Rep Andre Carson Thinks American Schools Should Be Modeled after Madrassas. 2012. Web. Calvin, Andre. Rep. Carson’s Liberal Action Score: 58. 2012. Web. Danson, James. HR 9 – Income Tax Deduction for Small Businesses – Key Vote. 2012. Web. Felix, William. â€Å"Andre Carson U.S. Representative.† Washington Post, 2008. Web. House Government. â€Å"Congressman Carson Seeks to Expand Year-round Access to Healthy Food for Low-Income Families.† House government Online. 2012. Web. Ogden, Paul. â€Å"Congressman Andre Carson Insults History, Makes Light of Lynchings and Jim Crow Experienced by African-Americans.† Ogden on Politics. 2011. Web. Schultz, Denis. Muslim Congressman Andre Carson’s Modest Proposal: Remake American Education System with Madrassas. 2012. Web. Sherman, Jake. Andre Carson: Tea Party Wants Blacks ‘hanging on a tree‘. 2011. Web. This report on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson was written and submitted by user Bennett Carver to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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