Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Methods to Counter Terrorism - 2293 Words

TERRORISM AND MEASURES TO CTR THIS THREAT TERRORISM AND MEASURES TO CTR THIS THREAT Introduction 1. The menace of terrorism is the most clear and present danger at this point in time. The word terrorism was first used in France to describe a new system of government adopted during the French revolution (1789-1799). The reign of terror was intended to promote democracy and popular rule by ridding the revolution of its enemies and thereby purifying it. However, the oppression and violent excesses of the terror transformed it into a feared instrument of the state. From that time on, terrorism has had a decidedly negative connotation. 2. The U.S. government says democracy is necessary to inoculate Iraq and Afghanistan against the return of†¦show more content†¦(This may be termed as the Principle of Necessity). b. Preventive Action. The sole objective of the use of force is to suppress actual disturbances . Force must never be applied with punitive intent, nor as a reprisal. Action must not be taken in one place with the object of creating an effect in another place. It must also be borne in mind always that no soldier can punish a civilian except under martial law. c. Minimum Force. A commander must be firm and must never flinch from suing sufficient force, but he must never use more force than is absolutely necessary to achieve the immediate military aim. d. Strict Observance of the Law. Military persnnel must comply with the law implicity , in letter as well as spirit, and in doing so they must act calmly and impartially. e. Protecting Loyal Citizens. Special care must be taken not to endanger harmles s citizens in any manner. The protection of those citizens who are loyal to the governement or the state, is vitally important. f. Maintenance of Public Morale. No effort should be spared to win and foster public confidence and support. In the same way, effort must be made to neutralise public support to the dissidents and to damage their reputation. g. 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