Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Methods to Counter Terrorism - 2293 Words

TERRORISM AND MEASURES TO CTR THIS THREAT TERRORISM AND MEASURES TO CTR THIS THREAT Introduction 1. The menace of terrorism is the most clear and present danger at this point in time. The word terrorism was first used in France to describe a new system of government adopted during the French revolution (1789-1799). The reign of terror was intended to promote democracy and popular rule by ridding the revolution of its enemies and thereby purifying it. However, the oppression and violent excesses of the terror transformed it into a feared instrument of the state. From that time on, terrorism has had a decidedly negative connotation. 2. The U.S. government says democracy is necessary to inoculate Iraq and Afghanistan against the return of†¦show more content†¦(This may be termed as the Principle of Necessity). b. Preventive Action. The sole objective of the use of force is to suppress actual disturbances . Force must never be applied with punitive intent, nor as a reprisal. Action must not be taken in one place with the object of creating an effect in another place. It must also be borne in mind always that no soldier can punish a civilian except under martial law. c. Minimum Force. A commander must be firm and must never flinch from suing sufficient force, but he must never use more force than is absolutely necessary to achieve the immediate military aim. d. Strict Observance of the Law. Military persnnel must comply with the law implicity , in letter as well as spirit, and in doing so they must act calmly and impartially. e. Protecting Loyal Citizens. Special care must be taken not to endanger harmles s citizens in any manner. The protection of those citizens who are loyal to the governement or the state, is vitally important. f. Maintenance of Public Morale. No effort should be spared to win and foster public confidence and support. In the same way, effort must be made to neutralise public support to the dissidents and to damage their reputation. g. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

What Does Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Mean?

What Does Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Mean? What's Actually Happening with Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 This may not only show that you're intelligent and appreciate the intricacy of the sorts of issues you could possibly be speaking about on the exam, but might really help strengthen your argument, in that you'll be able to foresee prospective arguments against your support for your beliefs, then undermine them as you write about them. Align your elements and be certain you haven't committed any fallacies. Tie every claim you make to a bit of evidence to make sure the ideal essay possible. The evidence is a significant portion of your essay. A house without brick and mortar won't fall, but nevertheless, it won't be a rather great home to inhabit. She might not be able to allow you to take them home, but even then you might be permitted to use them in a supervised setting. A great laboratory, like a great bank or a corporation or government, must run as a computer. What You Need to Do About Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Before It Is Too Late Although there are just two short paragraphs, there's a whole lot of room for confusion here. The second part of the test is known as the free-response section. All the questions within this section have equal price. When you have time, repeat every one of the steps above to incrementally boost your score. Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Secrets That No One Else Knows About It is a larger question than students are accustomed to encountering on an AP test. Therefore, students don't need to memorize literature or facts about literature in order to be successful on this exam. When you have your resources assembled, you may not be sure how to use them. Alternately, there are various on-line study resources out there. Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samp les Question 3 2000 - Dead or Alive? It's tough to undo the damage resulting from a lifetime of writing improperly. Even if the river isn't in flood, an individual can sometimes observe the surface in 1 spot one or two feet higher than the surface close by, while the water swirls about, as if attempting to devour itself. Its waters and currents aren't uniform. Whatever They Told You About Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why When people online aren't polite, they don't fret about their tone in any way, and it offends people. No really, it is a great idea. It follows no established training course. However, it's still true that you have to take a definite stand, regardless of what you do, even though it can be a stand like Idea X is ethical in some specific conditions and unethical in others however, expand on this to provide the AP Examiners a specific notion of your opinion, and after that utilize logic and beautif ul writing to persuade them to realize your way of thinking. O, horrible notion, indeed! All About Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Said owners aren't affiliated with Educator.com. If you can't determine what the question is, return and reread the prompt. Sample questions are helpful in they will prepare you for what you may expect and what type of thinking you need to do on exam day. Knowing the question you're answering is the most significant portion of AP writing. Identify your own opinion on the topic. From here on, you've got to come up with an exceptional interpretation of the means by which the structure contributes to the meaning. Here, you can concentrate on repetition and elaborate on the way that it contributes to meaning. Once you own a thesis, think about your principal topic and discover words that relate to it in various ways. It's critical as it can add some volume to your essay and boost the effect of your words. The Char acteristics of Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 The more questions you ask before you commence writing, the more information you will need to utilize in the essay. When you compose the essay, you should choose a single side to concentrate on. This essay will present you with different sources providing different info about or opinions on a specific topic. These essays demonstrate minimal grasp of the subject or the passage. This kind of essay requires a good framework and exceptional support. When you're writing an English essay, you have zero chance to confirm your paper by another individual. The Chronicles of Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Doing this will enhance your AP writing. Students receive a 15-minute reading period to accommodate the extra reading necessary for the question. The AP English Language and Composition Exam is utilized by colleges to evaluate your ability to do college-level work. If you wish to track your scores, you can earn a totally free account with Varsity Tutors, but it's not essential in order to access the quizzes.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cole Swindell by Cole Swindell free essay sample

Cole Swindell Coming from small town, Bronwood, Georgia, Colden â€Å"Cole† Swindell slowly worked his name into the music leaderboards. Cole became known first in the music business writing for his fraternity brother, Luke Bryan. Cole and Luke played songs all around Georgia until Luke took the first step on the country music platform, having five songs written by Cole Swindell to make Billboards Top 200. Cole, soon enough, followed in Luke’s footsteps making the move to Nashville in September of 2007. Cole grew up with country music, first just listening, then to writing, and finally singing in his own special way. Now Cole Swindell is known throughout Nashville because of his gifted voice. Cole Swindell was raised listening to country down in Georgia, but never thought he’d be singing on tours around the world. When hearing country, most people think of deep voices and stories, but Cole Swindell isnt like that. We will write a custom essay sample on Cole Swindell by Cole Swindell or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He resembles a less famous Tim McGraw, singing with a voice, that when needed can hit the lowest and highest notes for what seems like forever. Country came from a slower, deeper style of old Southern Rock like the Brooks and Dunn from twenty years ago. Now the newer artists are bringing Southern Rock back almost to the point where some songs could be titled as Pop music. Cole Swindell is one of the better examples of modern Southern Rock artists who call themselves country. One of the most important reasons people listen to country is how artists portray their lyrics with the style of singing. Like if its a sad song it will be sang with a deep voice and slower rhythm, while happier lyrics are sung faster and with a higher pitched voice with enthusiasm. Some artists tend to lean to a happy or sad side. For example, Rascal Flatts usually gets into the deep things like relationships and tragedies, and the other bands like Florida Georgia Line sings about the great things in life and a ll the fun we should be having. Cole Swindell tends to lean on the enthusiastic side, singing about summer and driving free. Swindell can also get to the other side of lyrics, singing about deeper thoughts and relationships, but most of his slower songs havent been discovered yet. â€Å"I got my shades on, top back, rolling with the music jacked. One on the wheel, one around you baby!† came from his only number one song â€Å"Chillin’ It†. This song became famous for his happy, summer, country type of singing. Cole’s only other single, â€Å"Hope You Get Lonely Tonight† is about girls and relationships, but its the fun in relationships. This second single he released showed Nashville that he can sing whatever he wants successfully. Not even a year into the day he signed his record deal with Warner Bros Music Nashville in July of 2013, Cole Swindell has two singles, and one album, and as of right now he has four songs that have been in the Top 100 U S Country Hits. Cole Started his career independently, releasing his first number one single, â€Å"Chillin’ It† just four months before signing a record deal. The first big step he took after being signed to a Record Label was releasing a 12 song, self-titled album with Warner Bros. After the album was released, fans loved one specific song so much, Warner Bros decided to release â€Å"Hope You Get Lonely Tonight† as a separate single. Shortly after being released as a single this song made the 27th spot on Billboards Top 200, making it the second time being on the charts in less than a year. While Cole Swindell is no George Strait, with the type of success he has had in his first year, most people could see him following in the best country artists footsteps and possibly landing himself in the Country Music Hall of Fame. His unique style of writing,singing, performing will make him one of the best country artists in Nashville. The way he started his career wit h a number one hit, will surely lead to more success in his singing career. All the big artists and overly famous people came from different places, it just happened that this specific artist came from a town with a population of less than five hundred people. Just listening to his music, Cole Swindell can have a positive impact on your day and make you want to live life in the best possible way you can.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

US Representative Congressman Ander Carson

Ander Carson has been in the U.S. congress for a few years, but after beginning as a Democratic Committee Person in the year 2000, he has been featured in several committee assignments (William par 1).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of these assignments are generally the government funded ventures which made it possible for Indiana to continue receiving funds from President Barack Obama’s administration. Recently, he challenged the congress by proposing for a new Grant Program that would enable the low-income families to â€Å"†¦access the locally grown food and vegetables† (House Government par.1). He has considered it to be a benefit for Americans in terms of health and access to food throughout the year. While in Miami, 2011, Ander accused the members of the Tea Party that they wanted to hang him on a tree an d bring Jim Crow back instead. This happened when the Congressional Black Caucus’ members was visiting 5 cities in the month of August (Calvin par.8). In February 2011, despite a majority supporting the Bill, Ander Carson voted against the Rooney Amendment 13 to H.R 1 Bill that advocated for the environmental protection of Florida environment from the high levels of phosphorus and neurotoxin chemicals which contaminated its waters (Calvin par.9). In April 2012, Ander successfully passed a bill to protect the small businesses due to the income tax deduction (Danson par. 4).Advertising Looking for report on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This bill proposed a 20% deduction of tax for all employees considered to employ less than 500 employees in the business. In fact, many small businesses would benefit from the assignment committees of the government funds. Ander’s views Madrassa as the ideal education system for America, especially if it follows the Islamic model. He is a Muslim and has seen how such a system works, and considers it to have a multiple of benefits if well-employed (Schultz par.5). Most of the schools using the Madrassa Education System within the U.S are funded by Muslims. Commentary In fact, it has been reported that Anderson was the one who gathered various reporters and spoke many lies about the Tea Party though that was a wrong decision (Sherman par. 4). It was a betrayal of his colleagues and considered to be so bad that it even appeared in the Sunday Talk show as well as in the headlines just before the Obama Care Vote. I do respect Ander Carson, but I do not agree with some of his commentaries on his fellow colleagues, especially those made at the Tea Party. He owes an apology to all the frontline fighters for civil rights for making insults to them (Paul par. 3). Those comments were thoughtless and unnecessary. This shows that he can never be trusted by hi s colleagues who closely work with him.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a matter of fact, there is no single leader from the Tea Party who has advocated for neither the return of the Jim Crow Legislation nor the lynching of blacks. Over the years, Carson has been very active in passing many bills in the U.S. Congress that have helped many Americans. I do agree with his view of the low income families earning a living by growing vegetables and other agricultural commodities. These foods are natural and, therefore, do not interfere with the health of the consumers. It will help many Americans live healthier than they did before. Most Americans have overweight complications and other diseases associated with the chemicals found in the fast food. Therefore, the Grant Program will be supported by many due to the many benefits associated with it. Carson should have supported the Rooney Amendment 13 Bill at the Congress as a person who has been in the frontline for the improvement of lives of Americans. The environment should be kept clean just like he is now proposing for the consumption of the natural foods. Despite the fact that he had voted against the bill, it was passed after majority of the members had supported it (Danson par.6). The bill for deduction of income tax for the small businesses is a good idea as it motivates many small businesspeople to continue employing the Americans since they have enough funds left to pay them well.Advertising Looking for report on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The only problem is that 500 employees are too many to be considered a small business. The limit should be reduced to around 300 employees. I think there are many issues likely to be encountered if Carson continues proposing for the Muslim model of the Madrassa Education System (Jason par.7). This is a very sensitive issue, and it appears that he has some interests of religion which may go well only with Muslims but not for the Christians. He should be careful in his commentary not to have a bad reaction from the Christians in America. Despite the negative sides of Carson, he has successfully assisted many Americans, which is a good thing, by protecting the Wall Street Consumers while serving in the Capital Markets Authority Committee. Carson has done well in his term at the Congress. Works Cited Benson, Jason. Video: Rep Andre Carson Thinks American Schools Should Be Modeled after Madrassas. 2012. Web. Calvin, Andre. Rep. Carson’s Liberal Action Score: 58. 2012. Web. Danson, James. HR 9 – Income Tax Deduction for Small Businesses – Key Vote. 2012. Web. Felix, William. â€Å"Andre Carson U.S. Representative.† Washington Post, 2008. Web. House Government. â€Å"Congressman Carson Seeks to Expand Year-round Access to Healthy Food for Low-Income Families.† House government Online. 2012. Web. Ogden, Paul. â€Å"Congressman Andre Carson Insults History, Makes Light of Lynchings and Jim Crow Experienced by African-Americans.† Ogden on Politics. 2011. Web. Schultz, Denis. Muslim Congressman Andre Carson’s Modest Proposal: Remake American Education System with Madrassas. 2012. Web. Sherman, Jake. Andre Carson: Tea Party Wants Blacks ‘hanging on a tree‘. 2011. Web. This report on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson was written and submitted by user Bennett Carver to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.