Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Different Types of Discrimination Essay -- Prejudice, Racism, Cult

Discrimination Religion, national origin, race, and social status are the suspect classifications of discrimination, but are these the only categories that should not be discriminated against? People today are searching for equal rights and opportunities. No one should be suffering from any type of discrimination, but they are. Discrimination is an unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice, therefore sex, disability, and age should be included in the suspect classifications of discrimination (â€Å"Discrimination†). Sex discrimination is the differential treatment based on sex (â€Å"Answer†). Traditionally in American culture higher value has been given to males, this is why sex discrimination is commonly found in the work place among women. Focus in a workplace where sex discrimination is prevalent; the choices are not made based on the ability of the person, but their gender. The reason why gender is a big issue for women in the workplace is because women are looked at as part of the household committee instead of in the economical world. Women are not seen as capable entities, but solely as â€Å"baby-makers†. This method of conducting business has deterred many women that are far more capable than the men who were given the job. Sex discrimination in the employment world is not a new issue, but one that stems from the past. The Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938 established a minimum wage for both men and women providing equality (â€Å"Answer†). Even though this act was passed, many women are still paid less than men for the same job. In 1963, the Equal Pay Act acknowledged women as workers and not just homemakers (â€Å"Answer†). Now in 2007, sex discrimination is still being done in some occupations, but they are making progress. ... ...en booking a hotel room you are required to be at least 18 years of age. At 18 years old you are required to provide a deposit just incase you break hotel property, while older adults are not required to provide a deposit. We live in a country where youth is full of energy, while old is worthless, but we all should be treated equally. Discrimination has been a big issue in society for a long time. National origin, religion, social status, and race are the suspect classifications that are not allowed to be discriminated against. Are these the only categories that are worthy of protection? Not as long as America is the home of the free. Sex, Disability, and Age discrimination are categories that are being over looked everyday. By not acknowledging these other, very significant types of discrimination not only are the business world losing out, but America as a whole.

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