Friday, October 18, 2019

Self-Defense Is Not Just A Physical Technique Essay

Self-Defense Is Not Just A Physical Technique - Essay Example Self-defense lessons also offer women an unusual chance to discover the wide range of sentiments that frequently happen when we begin to recognize the altitude of aggression in our culture. It is an outstanding vehicle for discovering annoyance, sorrow, and terror, and for patter into the delight that arrives from finding your tone and determines your personal inner supremacy. As the law of self-defense has evolved, it has become recognition of our right to defend ourselves with lethal force when we reasonably believe we are confronted with an imminent threat, which threat we did not create and from which we cannot retreat with safety. Under those circumstances, the law is ready to justify, as self-defense, conduct that otherwise would be considered criminal (Women Self Defense, Online). Traditionally, self-defense has been defined as "the act of defending one's person when physically attacked, as by countering blows or overcoming an assailant" (Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1989). This definition, if strictly followed, would narrow the scope of instructional content to contain only the psychomotor learning domain. Holistic physical education instructional units must additionally account for the cognitive and affective learning spheres. Therefore, a conservatively modern understanding of self-defense must be adopted-- a task that can prove challenging due to the diversity of self-defense curricula (Mencken, Pg 113-114). Self-defense is only designed to be used defensively, never as an offensive weapon. Beyond that, if there are other means of protection available, the law directs us to use those rather than choosing to defend with deadly force. There are numerous institutes where teachings of self-defense are given. Some are specially meant for the courses given particularly for women, they may include some as follows: Home Safety Precautions Internet Safety Precautions Dating Safety Precautions Parking Lot Safety Precautions Walking Home from School Safety Precautions Outdoor Exercise Safety Precautions Socializing Precautions Sexuality Concepts Bystander Effect Drugs/Alcohol/Date-Rape Drugs Trusting Your Intuition Awareness of Physical Surroundings Statistics on Violence/Crime Trusting Strangers Dog Attacks (Jacobs and Ogle, Pg 13-14) Elements Of Self-Defense Self-defense is planned to operate as a shield, not a sword. For that reason, rules have developed historically requiring a showing that the person claiming to have employed self-defense was not acting as the aggressor but was, instead, defending next to imminent attack. It is virtually indisputable that as a general rule one should not be allowed exoneration by striking out preemptively, claiming that a future attack would have occurred had it not been thwarted. But battered women cases force us to reexamine the rules that have grown up to support the principle that self-defense is only defensive in that strict temporal sense. (Jacobs and Ogle, Pg 99) State Of Mind In my view, frame of mind and psychological approach is the supreme component of any personal Target Hardening policy. One has to make a decision at the instant that one is the marauder; that someone is the conqueror.

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