Friday, August 23, 2019

Sodom and Gomorrah Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sodom and Gomorrah - Research Paper Example Bryant Wood and Steven Collins had different positions when it comes to the location of biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah which existed during the time of Abraham. Bryant based his stance on the recent archaeological excavations conducted by Rast and Schaub in 1973 in a specific area in the so-called Cities of the Plain, in Es-Safi, found in the southern part of Bab edh-Dhra (Sodom). Based on the excavation, the presence of bitumen, or petroleum residue resembling that of asphalt, was found within the southern part of the Dead Sea. On one hand, a very assertive archaeologist Steven Collins had laid down strong points in his position disproving Wood’s theory that the southern part of the Dead Sea was indeed the location of the two cities. Collins strongly believed that Sodom existed in the eastern Jordan Disk, alongside other cities and towns that were logically arranged and mentioned in the bible basing on their relative sizes and proximity with each other. Sodom and Gomorrah, based on his interpretations of the text found in Genesis 13, were actually located in the northern part of the Dead Sea in the eastern part of the Jordan Disk. Date Each Scholar Uses for the Patriarchs Wood dates back his position on the matter way back during the Early Bronze period. Bab edh-Dhra (Sodom) had remnants of ashes from burnt houses possibly being theorized as indeed the raining of the black sulfur. In addition, the ancient Sodom excavation also revealed a cemetery consisting of the cities of the plain during the Early Bronze period.... o cities, which, accordingly, â€Å"matched the detailed Genesis 13 geographical parameters.†7 The Kikkar, or the Jordan Disk, housed four to five ancient cities that existed during the Middle Bronze Age that matched the descriptions in Genesis 13. Archaeological Evidence for Destruction from Both Sites A fellow from the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Trifonov stated that the destruction of biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah was a real disaster, citing the natural disaster as a volcanic eruption, and among its evidences were human bones buried in southwestern Syria.8 Woods has presented evidences in the destruction of both sites. Using the findings of Rast and Schaub, Woods stated that, following the end of the Early Bronze period, Bab edh-Dhra suffered from a major destruction.9 The evidence was: destruction of the northeast gate due to â€Å"fire as indicated by charcoal, broken and fallen bricks, and areas of ash.†10 In Numeira (Gomo rrah), the effects of the destruction were quite significant. Towers were burnt, human bones and skeletons excavated, and debris of ashes, mud bricks, and rocks were also found. Moreover, Collins had several evidences similar to what Woods had revealed, such as cemeteries burying human bones and skeleton, ashes, and mud bricks. In addition, Collins presented a simplistic approach in providing evidences to support his claims. He stated a simple analysis based on sheer logic and analysis of past events. â€Å"No mental extrapolation needed,† Collins said because obviously, the area (Bab edh-Dhra) was a â€Å"wasteland† because â€Å"Yahweh had burned up the Cities of the Plain in his fierce anger!†11 Each Site Meets the Criteria for the Biblical Location of Sodom Collins describes the order that comes with the

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