Saturday, August 10, 2019


HOW TO FIND A GOOD SOURCE FOR RESEARCH PAPER - Essay Example As Belk (72) argued, primary research sources offer credible evidence that is produced in the historical period under investigation and relates to the actual findings of the researcher. Therefore, the best criterion in choosing a research source is determining whether the source is a primary or secondary source. Moreover, Levy and Ellis (181) noted that methodological reviews of past literature are an important undertaking in research. Methodological reviews are systematic research findings of what has been covered in the past and are critical in initiating a new research. As such, using studies with such methodological reviews would ensure the researcher stands a better place to formulate a new research armed with ample knowledge of what has been done before. Therefore, studies with methodological reviews are some of the best sources to choose before undertaking any research paper. Moreover, the date of publication of a research source may affect the quality of the source used in re search papers. However, the need to seek recent sources depends on the topic of study. Recent studies have updated and current findings, which might be a good basis to formulate a research paper (Perdue Owl, 2013). For instance, when undertaking a research paper on technology, choosing the most current source guarantees crucial information about the current technology, which may not be found in a source published one or two years

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