Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Methods to Counter Terrorism - 2293 Words

TERRORISM AND MEASURES TO CTR THIS THREAT TERRORISM AND MEASURES TO CTR THIS THREAT Introduction 1. The menace of terrorism is the most clear and present danger at this point in time. The word terrorism was first used in France to describe a new system of government adopted during the French revolution (1789-1799). The reign of terror was intended to promote democracy and popular rule by ridding the revolution of its enemies and thereby purifying it. However, the oppression and violent excesses of the terror transformed it into a feared instrument of the state. From that time on, terrorism has had a decidedly negative connotation. 2. The U.S. government says democracy is necessary to inoculate Iraq and Afghanistan against the return of†¦show more content†¦(This may be termed as the Principle of Necessity). b. Preventive Action. The sole objective of the use of force is to suppress actual disturbances . Force must never be applied with punitive intent, nor as a reprisal. Action must not be taken in one place with the object of creating an effect in another place. It must also be borne in mind always that no soldier can punish a civilian except under martial law. c. Minimum Force. A commander must be firm and must never flinch from suing sufficient force, but he must never use more force than is absolutely necessary to achieve the immediate military aim. d. Strict Observance of the Law. Military persnnel must comply with the law implicity , in letter as well as spirit, and in doing so they must act calmly and impartially. e. Protecting Loyal Citizens. Special care must be taken not to endanger harmles s citizens in any manner. The protection of those citizens who are loyal to the governement or the state, is vitally important. f. Maintenance of Public Morale. No effort should be spared to win and foster public confidence and support. In the same way, effort must be made to neutralise public support to the dissidents and to damage their reputation. g. Recording of Accureate Evidence. It is theShow MoreRelatedwar and terrorism833 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿P3: Outline the terrorism methods used by key terrorist organisations Terrorism is an act that threatens or carries out violence with the intention to disrupt, kill or coerce against a body or nation in order to impose will. This means that a lot of groups use this method to get what they want. The groups use a variety of methods, groups such as: Al Qaeda, who mainly use suicide bombing methods, this is good, because it means there are lots of deaths. This leads to scare and forcing the GovernmentRead MoreA Brief Note On Boko Haram And The Fulani Militants1533 Words   |  7 Pageswith an attempt to cause mass casualties. However in late December 2013, an anarchist organisation in Greece intended to carry out a CBRN scenario involving food poisoning. In 2014 there was a significant increase in private citizens as victims of terrorism. These attacks were mainly carried out by three groups: Boko Haram, Fulani militants and ISIL. All groups use different tactics. Boko Haram and the Fulani militants mainly use automatic weapons and have very high levels of fatalities per attack,Read MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1626 Words   |  7 PagesTerrorism can be categorized as â€Å"the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as means to create terror, or fear, to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim (Fortna).† Although there is no formal definition of terrorism, we typically associate the words terrorism and terrorists with acts of violence that are used unlawfully to intimidate in pursuance of political gain. Terrorists do not act at random, but rather use violence to maximize on fear and publicity with a specific goal inRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay1483 Words   |  6 Pageswith te rrorism problem that has a long history in the U.S. Terrorism has been a threat to U.S. security since the 1800. Terrorists continue to use powerful secret communication strategies and unexpected tools to achieve their intention in the U.S. soil. For example, the 9/11 terrorism attack that killed the highest number of American citizens in history succeeded because terrorist used hijacked passenger planes to perform the attack (Lutz and Lutz, 2013). Although the most notorious terrorism activityRead MoreMilitary Science: Irregular Warfare Essay1230 Words   |  5 Pagesin creating effective strategies for irregular warfare with a particular emphasis on counter-insurgency (COIN) and terrorism. Resources such as time, space, legitimacy and support present themselves as key issues in dealing with insurgency and terrorism and are leveraged by an insurgent or terrorist group to gain an advantage over conventional military forces. Modern day understanding of insurgency and terrorism has become blurred over time and thus it is necessary to make the difference betweenRead MoreThe Middle East, And America s Imperial Ambitions1177 Words   |  5 Pagesthe construction of the modern Middle East, and its continued involvement in the region. This research question is significant because it interlinks post-colonial studies with contemporary security studies. This link is important because modern terrorism and the instability in the Middle East cannot be explored without reference to past Western foreign policies. Because the Western influence – in the case of this paper, the United States – is partially responsible for the instability the Middle EastRead MoreThe Attack On The World Trade Center1562 Words   |  7 Pagesindividuals plan an act of terrorism is less likely to alert law enforcement, compare to when a whole terrorist cell plans an attack, because the more people involved the less secretive the attack. Furthermore extreme right are using firearms and other easily obtainable weapons, because acquiring materials to build a bomb is much harder, more time consuming and send red flags to proper authority. Although extreme right and religious extremist are the most violent form of terrorism groups the both haveRead MoreImpact of Globalization on Terrorism1245 Words   |  5 Pages Since terrorism has taken the impact of globalization it is leaving the world in a war of terror and a desperate effort to unite against the growing terrorist groups. After the numerous, tragic world wide events stemmed by terrorism such as: 9/11, bombing of the London subway, and the Beslan school hostage crisis, the world has vastly changed its’ mentality of dealing with the future. The globe is forced to unite against an emerging threat, and is conjointly cutting funding for terrorism throughRead MoreThe Importance Of Communication, Intelligence, And Planning1680 Words   |  7 Pages Cynthia Howard The Importance of Communication, Intelligence, and Planning to Prevent Terrorism Word Count: Dr. Leerburger The Importance of Communication, Intelligence, and Planning to Prevent Terrorism Terrorism is a growing threat to America and other Countries that is causing more deaths, injuries, and destruction to property and infrastructures. There are ways to reduce the effects of terrorist incidents by using intelligence, communication, and planning. The use of intelligenceRead MoreFight Terrorism without Infringing Human Rights Essay716 Words   |  3 PagesThe fight against terrorism has always raised concerns that the methods used by States may infringe human rights. As one leading academic, Professor Martin Scheinin,[1] has said â€Å"Governments have often felt tempted to depart from †¦ the fundamental rights of the individual when confronted with acts of terrorism†¦.†[2] Many leading world figures have stated that the fight against terrorism can be conducted without infringing human rights. For example, Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United

Monday, December 16, 2019

What Does Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Mean?

What Does Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Mean? What's Actually Happening with Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 This may not only show that you're intelligent and appreciate the intricacy of the sorts of issues you could possibly be speaking about on the exam, but might really help strengthen your argument, in that you'll be able to foresee prospective arguments against your support for your beliefs, then undermine them as you write about them. Align your elements and be certain you haven't committed any fallacies. Tie every claim you make to a bit of evidence to make sure the ideal essay possible. The evidence is a significant portion of your essay. A house without brick and mortar won't fall, but nevertheless, it won't be a rather great home to inhabit. She might not be able to allow you to take them home, but even then you might be permitted to use them in a supervised setting. A great laboratory, like a great bank or a corporation or government, must run as a computer. What You Need to Do About Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Before It Is Too Late Although there are just two short paragraphs, there's a whole lot of room for confusion here. The second part of the test is known as the free-response section. All the questions within this section have equal price. When you have time, repeat every one of the steps above to incrementally boost your score. Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Secrets That No One Else Knows About It is a larger question than students are accustomed to encountering on an AP test. Therefore, students don't need to memorize literature or facts about literature in order to be successful on this exam. When you have your resources assembled, you may not be sure how to use them. Alternately, there are various on-line study resources out there. Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samp les Question 3 2000 - Dead or Alive? It's tough to undo the damage resulting from a lifetime of writing improperly. Even if the river isn't in flood, an individual can sometimes observe the surface in 1 spot one or two feet higher than the surface close by, while the water swirls about, as if attempting to devour itself. Its waters and currents aren't uniform. Whatever They Told You About Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why When people online aren't polite, they don't fret about their tone in any way, and it offends people. No really, it is a great idea. It follows no established training course. However, it's still true that you have to take a definite stand, regardless of what you do, even though it can be a stand like Idea X is ethical in some specific conditions and unethical in others however, expand on this to provide the AP Examiners a specific notion of your opinion, and after that utilize logic and beautif ul writing to persuade them to realize your way of thinking. O, horrible notion, indeed! All About Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Said owners aren't affiliated with Educator.com. If you can't determine what the question is, return and reread the prompt. Sample questions are helpful in they will prepare you for what you may expect and what type of thinking you need to do on exam day. Knowing the question you're answering is the most significant portion of AP writing. Identify your own opinion on the topic. From here on, you've got to come up with an exceptional interpretation of the means by which the structure contributes to the meaning. Here, you can concentrate on repetition and elaborate on the way that it contributes to meaning. Once you own a thesis, think about your principal topic and discover words that relate to it in various ways. It's critical as it can add some volume to your essay and boost the effect of your words. The Char acteristics of Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 The more questions you ask before you commence writing, the more information you will need to utilize in the essay. When you compose the essay, you should choose a single side to concentrate on. This essay will present you with different sources providing different info about or opinions on a specific topic. These essays demonstrate minimal grasp of the subject or the passage. This kind of essay requires a good framework and exceptional support. When you're writing an English essay, you have zero chance to confirm your paper by another individual. The Chronicles of Ap Language and Composition Essay Student Samples Question 3 2000 Doing this will enhance your AP writing. Students receive a 15-minute reading period to accommodate the extra reading necessary for the question. The AP English Language and Composition Exam is utilized by colleges to evaluate your ability to do college-level work. If you wish to track your scores, you can earn a totally free account with Varsity Tutors, but it's not essential in order to access the quizzes.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cole Swindell by Cole Swindell free essay sample

Cole Swindell Coming from small town, Bronwood, Georgia, Colden â€Å"Cole† Swindell slowly worked his name into the music leaderboards. Cole became known first in the music business writing for his fraternity brother, Luke Bryan. Cole and Luke played songs all around Georgia until Luke took the first step on the country music platform, having five songs written by Cole Swindell to make Billboards Top 200. Cole, soon enough, followed in Luke’s footsteps making the move to Nashville in September of 2007. Cole grew up with country music, first just listening, then to writing, and finally singing in his own special way. Now Cole Swindell is known throughout Nashville because of his gifted voice. Cole Swindell was raised listening to country down in Georgia, but never thought he’d be singing on tours around the world. When hearing country, most people think of deep voices and stories, but Cole Swindell isnt like that. We will write a custom essay sample on Cole Swindell by Cole Swindell or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He resembles a less famous Tim McGraw, singing with a voice, that when needed can hit the lowest and highest notes for what seems like forever. Country came from a slower, deeper style of old Southern Rock like the Brooks and Dunn from twenty years ago. Now the newer artists are bringing Southern Rock back almost to the point where some songs could be titled as Pop music. Cole Swindell is one of the better examples of modern Southern Rock artists who call themselves country. One of the most important reasons people listen to country is how artists portray their lyrics with the style of singing. Like if its a sad song it will be sang with a deep voice and slower rhythm, while happier lyrics are sung faster and with a higher pitched voice with enthusiasm. Some artists tend to lean to a happy or sad side. For example, Rascal Flatts usually gets into the deep things like relationships and tragedies, and the other bands like Florida Georgia Line sings about the great things in life and a ll the fun we should be having. Cole Swindell tends to lean on the enthusiastic side, singing about summer and driving free. Swindell can also get to the other side of lyrics, singing about deeper thoughts and relationships, but most of his slower songs havent been discovered yet. â€Å"I got my shades on, top back, rolling with the music jacked. One on the wheel, one around you baby!† came from his only number one song â€Å"Chillin’ It†. This song became famous for his happy, summer, country type of singing. Cole’s only other single, â€Å"Hope You Get Lonely Tonight† is about girls and relationships, but its the fun in relationships. This second single he released showed Nashville that he can sing whatever he wants successfully. Not even a year into the day he signed his record deal with Warner Bros Music Nashville in July of 2013, Cole Swindell has two singles, and one album, and as of right now he has four songs that have been in the Top 100 U S Country Hits. Cole Started his career independently, releasing his first number one single, â€Å"Chillin’ It† just four months before signing a record deal. The first big step he took after being signed to a Record Label was releasing a 12 song, self-titled album with Warner Bros. After the album was released, fans loved one specific song so much, Warner Bros decided to release â€Å"Hope You Get Lonely Tonight† as a separate single. Shortly after being released as a single this song made the 27th spot on Billboards Top 200, making it the second time being on the charts in less than a year. While Cole Swindell is no George Strait, with the type of success he has had in his first year, most people could see him following in the best country artists footsteps and possibly landing himself in the Country Music Hall of Fame. His unique style of writing,singing, performing will make him one of the best country artists in Nashville. The way he started his career wit h a number one hit, will surely lead to more success in his singing career. All the big artists and overly famous people came from different places, it just happened that this specific artist came from a town with a population of less than five hundred people. Just listening to his music, Cole Swindell can have a positive impact on your day and make you want to live life in the best possible way you can.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

US Representative Congressman Ander Carson

Ander Carson has been in the U.S. congress for a few years, but after beginning as a Democratic Committee Person in the year 2000, he has been featured in several committee assignments (William par 1).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of these assignments are generally the government funded ventures which made it possible for Indiana to continue receiving funds from President Barack Obama’s administration. Recently, he challenged the congress by proposing for a new Grant Program that would enable the low-income families to â€Å"†¦access the locally grown food and vegetables† (House Government par.1). He has considered it to be a benefit for Americans in terms of health and access to food throughout the year. While in Miami, 2011, Ander accused the members of the Tea Party that they wanted to hang him on a tree an d bring Jim Crow back instead. This happened when the Congressional Black Caucus’ members was visiting 5 cities in the month of August (Calvin par.8). In February 2011, despite a majority supporting the Bill, Ander Carson voted against the Rooney Amendment 13 to H.R 1 Bill that advocated for the environmental protection of Florida environment from the high levels of phosphorus and neurotoxin chemicals which contaminated its waters (Calvin par.9). In April 2012, Ander successfully passed a bill to protect the small businesses due to the income tax deduction (Danson par. 4).Advertising Looking for report on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This bill proposed a 20% deduction of tax for all employees considered to employ less than 500 employees in the business. In fact, many small businesses would benefit from the assignment committees of the government funds. Ander’s views Madrassa as the ideal education system for America, especially if it follows the Islamic model. He is a Muslim and has seen how such a system works, and considers it to have a multiple of benefits if well-employed (Schultz par.5). Most of the schools using the Madrassa Education System within the U.S are funded by Muslims. Commentary In fact, it has been reported that Anderson was the one who gathered various reporters and spoke many lies about the Tea Party though that was a wrong decision (Sherman par. 4). It was a betrayal of his colleagues and considered to be so bad that it even appeared in the Sunday Talk show as well as in the headlines just before the Obama Care Vote. I do respect Ander Carson, but I do not agree with some of his commentaries on his fellow colleagues, especially those made at the Tea Party. He owes an apology to all the frontline fighters for civil rights for making insults to them (Paul par. 3). Those comments were thoughtless and unnecessary. This shows that he can never be trusted by hi s colleagues who closely work with him.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a matter of fact, there is no single leader from the Tea Party who has advocated for neither the return of the Jim Crow Legislation nor the lynching of blacks. Over the years, Carson has been very active in passing many bills in the U.S. Congress that have helped many Americans. I do agree with his view of the low income families earning a living by growing vegetables and other agricultural commodities. These foods are natural and, therefore, do not interfere with the health of the consumers. It will help many Americans live healthier than they did before. Most Americans have overweight complications and other diseases associated with the chemicals found in the fast food. Therefore, the Grant Program will be supported by many due to the many benefits associated with it. Carson should have supported the Rooney Amendment 13 Bill at the Congress as a person who has been in the frontline for the improvement of lives of Americans. The environment should be kept clean just like he is now proposing for the consumption of the natural foods. Despite the fact that he had voted against the bill, it was passed after majority of the members had supported it (Danson par.6). The bill for deduction of income tax for the small businesses is a good idea as it motivates many small businesspeople to continue employing the Americans since they have enough funds left to pay them well.Advertising Looking for report on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The only problem is that 500 employees are too many to be considered a small business. The limit should be reduced to around 300 employees. I think there are many issues likely to be encountered if Carson continues proposing for the Muslim model of the Madrassa Education System (Jason par.7). This is a very sensitive issue, and it appears that he has some interests of religion which may go well only with Muslims but not for the Christians. He should be careful in his commentary not to have a bad reaction from the Christians in America. Despite the negative sides of Carson, he has successfully assisted many Americans, which is a good thing, by protecting the Wall Street Consumers while serving in the Capital Markets Authority Committee. Carson has done well in his term at the Congress. Works Cited Benson, Jason. Video: Rep Andre Carson Thinks American Schools Should Be Modeled after Madrassas. 2012. Web. Calvin, Andre. Rep. Carson’s Liberal Action Score: 58. 2012. Web. Danson, James. HR 9 – Income Tax Deduction for Small Businesses – Key Vote. 2012. Web. Felix, William. â€Å"Andre Carson U.S. Representative.† Washington Post, 2008. Web. House Government. â€Å"Congressman Carson Seeks to Expand Year-round Access to Healthy Food for Low-Income Families.† House government Online. 2012. Web. Ogden, Paul. â€Å"Congressman Andre Carson Insults History, Makes Light of Lynchings and Jim Crow Experienced by African-Americans.† Ogden on Politics. 2011. Web. Schultz, Denis. Muslim Congressman Andre Carson’s Modest Proposal: Remake American Education System with Madrassas. 2012. Web. Sherman, Jake. Andre Carson: Tea Party Wants Blacks ‘hanging on a tree‘. 2011. Web. This report on US Representative: Congressman Ander Carson was written and submitted by user Bennett Carver to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

s Speech

Patrick Henry’s address to the Second Virginia Convention calls upon the House to wage war against oppressive British rule instituting it not only as a necessity, but also as an obligation demonstrating loyalty towards their nation and God. Henry’s proficiency in persuading the congressmen directly reflects his use of repetition asserting that they are at the hands of time while providing justification for what may appear to be an extreme measure by announcing that they have put forth every possible effort to prevent war. Henry states that, if we wish to be free; if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending; if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon, until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained; we must fight! Implicating that it is of their responsibility and of honor to gain independence from British domination. This also establishes Henry’s serious tone, enforcing the sincerity of his plea persuading the House to declare war. Henry proceeds to dictate the thoughts of the congress through manipulative projections used to produce fear and recognition of his perspective of the situation. Henry observes that, we are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. During his speech he incorporates many mythological and biblical images as depicted, functioning as a source stimulating consciousness. This exhibits... 's Speech Free Essays on The Dissection Of Patrick Henry\'s Speech Patrick Henry’s address to the Second Virginia Convention calls upon the House to wage war against oppressive British rule instituting it not only as a necessity, but also as an obligation demonstrating loyalty towards their nation and God. Henry’s proficiency in persuading the congressmen directly reflects his use of repetition asserting that they are at the hands of time while providing justification for what may appear to be an extreme measure by announcing that they have put forth every possible effort to prevent war. Henry states that, if we wish to be free; if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending; if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon, until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained; we must fight! Implicating that it is of their responsibility and of honor to gain independence from British domination. This also establishes Henry’s serious tone, enforcing the sincerity of his plea persuading the House to declare war. Henry proceeds to dictate the thoughts of the congress through manipulative projections used to produce fear and recognition of his perspective of the situation. Henry observes that, we are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. During his speech he incorporates many mythological and biblical images as depicted, functioning as a source stimulating consciousness. This exhibits...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Difference Between a Resume and a CV

The Difference Between a Resume and a CV The Difference Between a Resume and a CV A resume or CV (curriculum vitae) can be used as an introduction to an employment opportunity or academic environment. These documents are used as a standardized way to acquaint an individual with people reviewing candidates for jobs, scholarships, or university programs. The pieces are differentiated by length and content. A resume can be a list of skills, work experience, educational background, and basic qualifications, often listed chronologically and dispassionately. A CV, on the other hand, lists publications the individual is featured in, special achievements, awards, and special honors received by the individual. It often provides detail about which attributes single out an applicant from a crowd of similarly-accomplished candidates. CV vs. Resume in Canada If you’re a Canadian, using a CV is often a prerequisite for seeking work out of the country, as it shows special skills and accomplishments that might not be reflected on a matter-of-fact resume. If you’re competing against Americans for a job in their country, you need to show every extra ability and reward that might give you an edge. Resume Function A resume states the specific qualifications an individual possesses to competently fit into a desired slot, job or position. While it may indicate if an individual is qualified to meet a threshold of competency, a resume does not elucidate potential for excellence (or proficiency) in the job. Function of CV A CV is intended to reflect a more qualitative description of an individual’s abilities. CV’s are often greater in length. The qualitative information typically exceeds a resume’s list-like structure. The Big Difference A CV and resume have separate purposes. A resume is seen most commonly in a regular job search scenario. A CV is used, typically, in an academic setting and highlights academic achievements (e.g. publication, research, and awards). These two tools differ because they have different purposes and uses. Resume and CV editing services are often useful to help job seekers exhibit the right balance of information in the proper format for a particular scenario. can help you impress your intended audience. Give us a

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Who Lost China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Who Lost China - Essay Example A loose coalition of Communists and Nationalists in China assisted by the United States and other allied powers had successfully defeated the Japanese forces. The failure to reach an agreement between the two principals, the Communists under Mao Dze Dong and the Nationalists under Chiang Kai Sheik led to a civil war ending in the loss of China to Communism in 1949. The loss of China was essentially the result of deterioration in Nationalist power and influence, inability of American foreign policy to influence events and long term antipathy towards aliens in the country. The Nationalist forces after years of corruption and misgovernance had lost the initiative in the country. The Nationalists lacked popular support, suffered from poor morale and a corrupt leadership. The deficiencies were mainly intrinsic to the Nationalist forces as has also been indicated in the White Paper published by the US Government in 1949.1 While they were not defeated on the battlefield their organizational cohesion which is a function of leadership, confidence and a will to resist had collapsed. The Americans supported Chiang who had lost considerable status as a national leader and the Nationalist Army was no match for the Communists due to break down of a will to fight. The Communists on the other hand could impose discipline and win over the people.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Economy of Ancient Athens Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Economy of Ancient Athens - Research Paper Example Hellenistic period corresponds with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the annexation of the original Greek by Rome (Oliver, 2007). Athens is considered as the cultural centre of the Ancient World. During this period, Athens city was no longer in imperial power and struggled to maintain the existing territory overseas in Cleruchies and Attica (Amemiya, 2007). Military and political dynamics influenced the economy of Athens during this period by making it more fragile. The ongoing war in Attica required the Athenians to protect their grain reserves. The Athens significantly contributed to financing the city and defense from enemies (Oliver, 2007). Thesis statement: the Ancient Athens economy had a dual system of financing that included taxation and private contributions that were geared at financing the grain supplies during famines and wars. The Hellenistic period in Athens ranges between 322 BC and lost of the Athenian naval power in 229 BC during the Lamian war. The Lam ian war (323 B.C – 322 B.C) was fought by a coalition of cities including Athens and led to the Macedonian victory and death of Alexander the Great. ... The loss of the Athenian naval power and subsequent loss of Mounychia during early Hellenistic period shifted the available resources to the defense of the rural areas in order to protect the local grain production (Rostovzeff, 1967). The defeat also limited the capability of Athens to import grains due to diminished revenues and increasing aggression with the neighboring grain producing states and cities. The Athenian authorities were eager to develop a military with a clear command, infrastructures and enough manpower to counter any threats to the countryside grain reserves (Amemiya, 2007). In this case, the defeat limited the grain production capacity since many men were forced to join the military and defend the local grain production (Jones, 1940). The trade policy was aimed at securing vital commodities such as timber and grain and also providing revenue. The Ancient Athenian state was closely intertwined in political, social and economic circumstances and sought to promote tra de in order to secure imports (Amemiya, 2007). Athens started honoring elite native citizens and also foreign potentates who provided large scale trade thus declining the power of the demos (Jones, 1940). Majority of the people were small scale farmers that were largely subsistence but they bought goods like metals which they could not produce. The agricultural foods produced were grains, vegetables and olives (Rostovzeff, 1967). The Hellenistic monarchies in Athens raised enough grains for their own consumption and also export. However, natural disasters and droughts sometimes damaged the harvest thus leading to a severe shortage of grain. The Athens paid for their grain through exporting olive oil and wine that found a lucrative market in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dick Smith Cover Letter Essay Example for Free

Dick Smith Cover Letter Essay Please accept my enthusiastic application for the Retail salesperson. As soon as I saw your advertisement on Trademe.com, I knew I was the perfect candidate for the position. I believe my experience of encountering lots of different types of people from all of the activities i have joined before will be very helpful and useable for the position as i am a very patient person. Besides, i am not entering school until term 1 of 2015 because I just arrived here 3 weeks ago and was advised to start school only on term 1 of 2015 since term 4 of 2014 is ending soon. So i will be able to work whenever needed and i will be able to help out in any way. Also, it is only a few minutes away from my house so that won’t be a problem. My passion about getting more experience about working and gaining knowledge about technologies would make me an excellent position for the retail salesperson. I have participated in lots of sports activities such as Karate, which i am in a brown-black belt now which is the one last stage before the black belt, got gold in kumite category in regionals and silver in kata category. Also been in the school Volleyball team and participated at Regionals, school Athlete (track and field) and managed to get silver at regionals, also a Dancer and got champions in competitions with my crew several times. Also do Rhythmic Gymnastics and Artistic Gymnastic and got 5th placing in Rhythmic Gymnastic Malaysia Nationals senior category 2014. Lastly, i also join Cheerleading and was the captain of my team back in Malaysia and managed to get champions at inter school competition during my first year of leading. By joining all sorts of activities from all different ages ranging from youngsters to elderly, I have became a confident person and a much better person. I am also the type of person that loves to keep everything in order and tidy so i can ensure the place would always be tidy.  Since i was a kid, I was a natural leader of a certain group. I was also a school prefect for several times and i will always take care of my responsibly. By becoming a leader, i learned to gain confidence in speaking to groups. I have also been told that I have an approachable attitude and i myself know that cause I smile a lot and be friendly. I have an average understanding of the general knowledge and interests of technologies. Also encountered lot of different type of people from all the activities i have joined before. I therefore know what sorts of attitude and types of people there are and can easily handle and talk to them. I have the skill to be able to talk in multiple languages. Such as Mandarin, and Malay. So i am pretty sure that may be an advantage as they are quite some Chinese’s here. I have been always been the problem solver between my friends and my all my teams in whatever the situation is since i have a very high patience. I am not schooling until 2015 so i will be free and be prepared to work on weekend/holiday shifts and to be able to work on odd occasion when needed. have enclosed my resume, thank you for taking you time to read this resume of mine and also Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Selling of Women in America Essay -- Research Essays

The Selling of Women in America Beautiful, skin-tight clothing, thin, blonde, long hair, and big breasted women are what people normally think of when they think of television commercials. This is very stereotypical but how stereotypical is it? Look at the media anymore and this is what the audience sees. There may be a change here and there with the hair color and how tight the clothing is but in all honestly this is what the public is seeing on television screens if they sit there and watch the television screens. Our society has brought about the sex appeal in women to sell their products. How true is all of this? From a series of surveys, an interview, observation, and case study I have chosen to prove that a certain â€Å"type† of woman is used in commercials and that she is used for her sex appeal in them. I surveyed five girls and five guys on whether or not they think that women are used as sex objects and if there is a certain type of women that is used for these commercials. An interview was also done with my friend Lindsay to go into more detail on this subject. Many different answers were given but there were specific types of answers that the majority of the ten interviewees answered with. In surveying these ten people that I have chosen I came up with some diverse answers and yet some similar ones. Sixty percent of the people surveyed reported that sports and sitcoms were the top two television programs watched. The main sports that are watched are football, basketball, hockey, and baseball, however, there were others mentioned. It was funny to see that the type of commercial that was mostly perceived by the surveyors was beer commercials, but other responses included sports, clothing, foo... ...tracted to her appearance referring to her a â€Å"hot† and they wouldn’t change a thing to her outfit. However, one of them said that they would use 1-800-COLLECT because of disliking other telephone services but not because the angel said to. But he did feel that she does leave the number floating around in his head because she is the one saying it. Women are clearly used in commercials for their sex appeal and it is not just any woman; it is a woman who is most likely big breasted, slim, attractive with long, blonde hair, smiling, tall, curvy, and model-like. Because of this â€Å"attractiveness† men and both women find themselves viewing commercials that have these types of women in them. From the surveys, interview, and case study I have found that these stereotypes are true and that yes, people may buy these products because of these beautiful, glamorous women.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Benefits of School Uniforms As A Mandatory

In a time when the academic status quo is coming into question throughout America, educators, civic leaders, parents, students, and legislatures are left cycling through a myriad of standardized options to ameliorate the system. From gender-segregated classrooms to the implementation of national standard tests grading both students and teachers, suggestions abound on ways the American public might make its school system a better functioning environment for the socialization and academic study of its children. Among many other suggested and sometimes implemented deviations is the option of school uniforms as a mandatory part of American schools. Already a part of many school environments, usually private, parochial, or urban, uniforms come with a heady line of debate to the forefront of systematic discussion. Those in support of uniforms in both primary and secondary school environments stand in staunch opposition to those who suggest it might not only detract from the creative development of a child but may ultimately be a waste of time, money, and effort. Many critics of the school uniform movement proclaim that uniforms cannot â€Å"fix† anything about the failings of the American school system, and that it is, in fact, the morals, attitudes, and determination of those in the academic environments that create good schools, not uniforms. Yet, the detractors seem to fall short of reasons to not use school uniforms; those schools that have implemented them as a regimented part of school life support the uniforms as a mechanism to focus children on their work and away from each other, equalize the exceedingly hierarchical playing field of consumer popularity supported by the capitalist marketplace, and undermine the social tensions prevalent in the teenage years that account for so much wasted time, effort, and emotion during the classroom day. Contemporary American culture supports the performance and display of class and status as an important component of society; American schoolchildren replicate these trends, particularly those associated with familiar celebrities and elite brands, overpopulate the classic schoolyard. As a result, a culture of dress code policies and school uniforms have been instituted to counteract the peer competition, ostracism, tensions, and even theft that distract children from their schoolwork. Holloman, Lillian O. Dress-Related Behavioral Problems in the Public School Setting: Prevention and Policy – A Holistic Approach. † The Journal of Negro Education. Vol. 65, No. 2, Educating Children in a Violence Society, Part I. (Summer, 1996. ) p. 267-281. In her review of the uniform policy of urban schools, Holloman reflects on the current violence that infects public schools where there is no system in place to counteract the social problems set in motion by the capitalist-spawned problems of material competition. She addresses not only the problems these play in all schools, particularly in terms of stress, the development of male-female relations, and socialization of American school children, but carries her discussion further to the way these issues play out in lower and working class ethnic groups. She says that while students at all schools must face the issues of material competition represented by clothing in the classroom, it is a situation far more exaggerated for the urban black demographic. She includes the work of other sociologists and academic thinkers in her analysis of the school uniform option for the public schools most frequently attended by blacks. In this environment, she discusses the frighteningly frequent occurrence of violence as a result of material competition between students, with armed assailants stealing one student's jacket in the middle of a school day in Washington, D. C. While national attempts at school security have limited the level of danger in the schools, it has not limited the violence nor the lasting psychological effects it has on impressionable teens. Because the emotional implications of the violence that frequently ensues as a direct result of the clothes student wear to school in urban black environments, Holloman fully encourages the use of school uniforms, even if they detract from a student's ability to cultivate a unique sense of self through physical expression. Holloman ways the costs and benefits of the uniform, but ultimately sides with the student's safety, suggesting that time outside of school will be enough to encourage individuality among students. Likewise, she says, students are at school to learn, and positioning them in the safest environment to do so is the responsibility of all academic communities. Meadmore and Symes, Daphne and Colin. â€Å"Keeping up Appearances: Uniform Policy for School Diversity? † British Journal of Educational Studies. Vol. 45, No. 2. (Jun. , 1997. ) p. 174-186. Meadmore and Symes analyze the policies pertaining to school dress codes that instituted standard uniforms across the whole of Australia. They investigate the devolution and marketization of schools, as well as the growing state control over local practices. While their work is Australia-oriented, they strictly examine the social themes at play internationally that cause teenagers to misuse their freedom of dress in schools to a point that uniforms are a suitable tool to address the need of schools to control what goes on inside their walls. Likewise, Meadmore and Symes take an in-depth look at the transformation of schools over time, since formalized schooling in Australia has its roots in the private/public system of England, where uniforms have been traditionally mandatory. The English system, along with a desire for proper socialization to â€Å"the American way† for immigrant children in the 19th century, was the basis for the American school system's development, and its lack of uniforms is particularly interesting. Since public schools do not traditionally require uniforms in the halls of America while private schools, modeled more strictly on the elite British schools usually do, the work of Meadmore and Symes is easily extrapolated and integral to the academic discussion of the viability of uniforms in schools. Jacobson, Paul B. â€Å"Personal Expenses of High-School Students. † The School Review. Vol. 52, No. . (Jun. , 1994. ) p. 350-355. Jacobsen, a well-respected University of Chicago academic sociologist, states that ‘secondary education has always been selective. ‘ While this double entendre refers to the past of secondary education as something only afforded to the privileged and now those only adept enough to swim the seas of high school, its significance is important in the modern day American school system. While education still takes place in these schools, he says, it is clear that the education has also left Western Civilization and extended to the malls, shops, and boutiques where clothing becomes a mark of who a student is. It is not about sweaters to stay warm or long skirts, demure in their affiliation with a religious group or cultural standard, but instead about carefully relating brand and styles to characteristics populated by society's superstars to make a statement about who you are on the inside with each item of clothing. While this is not necessarily inherently bad, it is a powerful beast that changes the face of modern education. Jacobsen denounces free clothing choice at school not because of this reason but because of how it plays out in society; may parents and students cannot afford to play this game with attire in the schoolroom setting, which is already augmented in cost by musical instruments, school supplies, and athletic gear. As all of these aspects of education increase in expense, parents and students should not be forced to keep up to merely stay afloat in the mean world high school society, and as a result, he says, uniforms are a necessary alternative to the status quo. Brunsma, David L. The School Uniform Movement and What it Tells us About American Education. Washington, D. C. : Scarecrow Press, Inc. 2004. Brunsma provides the most thorough and sizeable analysis of the issues in the American school uniform debate. He examines the impetuses, debates, legal issues, and effectiveness of policies where uniforms have been implemented throughout the United States, further embellishing the work with anecdotal components that remind the reader that the issue of uniforms, while seemingly minor, actually has large ramifications on the future of American school systems and the expectations made of American children. His debates analyze both sides of the argument, as well as providing a comprehensive history and case study review. While Brunsma's conclusion is that uniforms do not make schools better, its intellectual review of the current literature on the matter disengages the reader from his opinion and, ironically, supports the implementation of a uniform code. His position is based on a simplistic desire to remain in a non-commercialized world where Gucci and Yves St. Lauren have not invaded the seventh grade classroom, but his review of case studies reveals that it in fact has. The evidence he presents clearly supports the use of uniforms, as the difference between a Sears-bought turtleneck and one purchased at Saks are far more insignificant than the way materialism plays out throughout an entire wardrobe. His analysis, while contrary to his personal opinion, shows that uniforms boost school climate, morale of students, work to eliminate high levels of competition, and support a focused academic atmosphere. All of these works, in addition to the great bevy available in academic journals, newspapers, and bookshelves, provide a great source of questions from which one can more strictly analyze the issue of school uniforms in the American classroom setting and the questions with which one needs to examine the costs and benefits of their implementation.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Information and Decision-Making Essay

Individuals in the world make decisions every single day of their lives. Decision-making, however, is even more important in the lives of leaders because they are running an organization which relies on their judgment and discretion for such decisions. Decisions have to be made carefully and based on the most accurate and updated information available. Otherwise, the quality of the decision would be affected by whim, suppositions, and assumptions, which might be difficult to quantify and verify. Because of the understanding of the importance of decision-making in an individual’s and an organization’s life, Maruska and Wheatley (2003) wrote How Great Decisions Get Made. Through their book, they address the different factors affecting the decision-making process—those factors intrinsic to the decision-maker as well as factors that are found in the extrinsic environment. Furthermore, they highlighted the importance of gathering information, no matter how difficult and routine it might seem. In addition to this, the authors proposed ten simple yet comprehensive steps that can help a leader in the decision-making process. The basic framework that the authors seek to establish is that decision-making should not be made out of fear, where the leaders and the decision-makers feel backed into the corner and that they have little choices left. Rather, they espouse hope-based decision-making no matter how difficult a situation may seem at first. The authors carefully explained the different outcomes and procedures that happen to people who make decisions out of fear as opposed to making them based on hope. In this regard, the case studies offered freely throughout the book are helpful in elucidating the message that the authors were promoting. The book’s language and layout are simple to follow yet it offers profound insight into an otherwise difficult process. Ten Steps to Making Effective Decisions The first step that the authors posited is the importance of enlisting the help of everyone in the decision making process (Maruska & Wheatley, 2003, p. 36). By doing this, more people would be able to provide inputs on how to make the decision. Moreover, they can provide additional information, which would eliminate fear out of the decision-making equation. Furthermore, by enlisting everyone, the leaders can avoid making enemies in the process. The second and third steps relate to discovering the shared hopes of everyone concerned and listening to the real issues that have to be addressed. By discovering the hopes and the fears of the people who will be affected by the decision, the perspectives of leaders will become less biased and will be grounded on what the situation really is (p 54). Based on the hopes and fears, it would be necessary to identify the options available for the group (p. 74). These options, however, should be backed up by data and by relevant information that could aid the decision-making process. Maruska and Wheatley (2003, p. 90) highlighted the importance of right information. The world is teeming with information nowadays, thanks to the Internet. However, not all available information is relevant to the issue being decided upon. As such, by taking into account the hopes and the fears of the stakeholders in the decision-making process, the right information will be identified and they will be helpful in mapping out the solution. The authors further believe that if there is 100% information, there would be zero debates. The task of the leader therefore would be to gather information and make sure that these pieces of information are indeed relevant. The authors also advised that decision-makers should foresee difficulties along the way and be prepared with alternatives that were not originally planned. But even in these cases, information gathering is still very important as they can steer the decision-makers to the right or wrong decision (p. 118). Conclusion Maruska and Wheatley (2003) were able to describe fully the decision-making process and the importance of gathering the right information. The case studies that they cited were also helpful in highlighting the importance of this process. For people who are in government whose decisions are crucial to the life and death of individuals, literally, or to CEOs upon whom the life of the organization has been put, How Great Decisions are Made is a great textbook for decision-making. This process is never an easy one. Rather, there are a lot of complications along the way. However, the authors were able to present a simple but not simplified view of the decision-making process and how information can make or break the effectiveness of the decisions made by leaders. They also highlighted the importance of teamwork and the process of discovering the shared hopes, dreams, and fears of the people serving with the leaders making the decision. After all, leaders are not only deciding for themselves. Rather, they are making decisions on behalf of their subordinates and of all the people who will be affected by the decisions made by these leaders. The presentation of the book is also easy to follow and would be accessible to anyone interested in improving their decision-making skills.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Weathering, Erosion and the Transport of Rock Materials essays

Weathering, Erosion and the Transport of Rock Materials essays Weathering can be considered as the breakdown of rock to form sediment. It is also regarded as the physical breakdown (disintegration) and chemical alteration (decomposition) of rocks and minerals at or near the earth's surface. The three main types of weathering are physical weathering, mechanical weathering, and chemical weathering. Mechanical weathering is the physical breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller pieces that retain the chemical composition of the parent material. (Body from which the weathered material originated.) Once again, under mechanical weathering, there are other processes that take place such as: Frost action simply involves water creeping in rock crevices and freezing. Where the ice formed expands, it wedges itself into these crevices. This is known as Frost wedging. E.g. Talus slope, Lost River, West Virginia, USA. When ice thaws, it causes parts of the rock to be dislodged from the main body. Thermal expansion and contraction are to do with the volume of the minerals in rocks changing (expanding and contracting) in response to cooling and heating. Another important factor here is that darker minerals absorb heat faster than lighter ones. Pressure release or exfoliation would be the removal of pressure of deep burial, when rocks underneath the surface undergo immense pressure from the earth's interior heat forcing them to push through surface material breaking into leaves and sheets along joints which parallel to ground surface. E.g. Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA. Organisms such as burrowing plants and animals (rodents, worms, reptiles, etc...) also participate a lot in weathering. They construct channels through the soil mixing soil and sediment particles, allowing water and gas to go through. The roots of plants, trees and large bushes would be a nuisance in that they would force their way th ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

SB2C Helldiver - Curtiss SB2C Helldiver

SB2C Helldiver - Curtiss SB2C Helldiver SB2C Helldiver - Specifications: General Length: 36 ft. 9 in. Wingspan: 49 ft. 9 in. Height: 14 ft. 9 in. Wing Area: 422 sq. ft. Empty Weight: 10,114 lbs. Loaded Weight: 13,674 lbs. Crew: 2 Number Built: 7,140 Performance Power Plant: 1 Ãâ€" Wright R-2600 radial engine, 1,900 hp Range: 1,200 miles Max Speed: 294 mph Ceiling: 25,000 ft Armament Guns: 2 Ãâ€" 20 mm (.79 in) cannon in the wings, 2 Ãâ€" 0.30 in M1919 Browning machine guns in rear cockpit Bombs/Torpedo: Internal bay - 2,000 lbs. of bombs or 1 Mark 13 torpedo, Underwing Hard Points - 2 x 500 lb. bombs SB2C Helldiver - Design Development: In 1938, the US Navys Bureau of Aeronautics (BuAer) circulated a request for proposals for a for a next-generation dive bomber to replace the new SBD Dauntless. Though the SBD had yet to enter service, BuAer sought an aircraft with greater speed, range, and payload. In addition, it was to be powered by the new Wright R-2600 Cyclone engine, possess an internal bomb bay, and be of a size that two of the aircraft could fit on a carriers elevator. While six companies submitted entries, BuAer selected Curtiss design as the winner in May 1939. Designated the SB2C Helldiver, the design immediately began showing problems. Early wind tunnel testing in February 1940 found the SB2C to have an excessive stall speed and poor longitudinal stability. While efforts to fix the stall speed included increasing the size of the wings, the latter issue presented greater problems and was a result of BuAers request that two aircraft be able to fit on an elevator. This limited the length of the aircraft despite the fact it was to have more power and a greater internal volume than its predecessor. The result of these increases, without an increase in length, was instability. As the aircraft could not be lengthened, the only solution was to enlarge its vertical tail, which was done twice during development. One prototype was constructed and first flew on December 18, 1940. Built in a conventional fashion, the aircraft possessed a semi-monocoque fuselage and two-spar, four-section wings. The initial armament consisted of two .50 cal. machine guns mounted in the cowling as well as one in each wing. This was supplemented by twin .30 cal. machine guns on a flexible mounting for the radio operator. The internal bomb bay could carry a single 1,000 lb. bomb, two 500 lb. bombs, or a torpedo. SB2C Helldiver - Problems Persist: Following the initial flight, problems remained with the design as bugs were found in the Cyclone engines and the SB2C showed instability at high speed. After a crash in February, flight testing continued through the fall until December 21 when the right wing and stabilizer gave out during a dive test. The crash effectively grounded the type for six months as the problems were addressed and the first production aircraft built. When the first SB2C-1 flew on June 30, 1942, it incorporated a variety of changes which increased its weight by nearly 3,000 lbs. and reduced its speed by 40 mph. SB2C Helldiver - Production Nightmares: Though unhappy with this drop in performance, BuAer was too committed to the program to pull out and was forced to push ahead. This was partly due to an earlier insistence that the aircraft be mass-produced to anticipate wartime needs. As a result, Curtiss had received orders for 4,000 aircraft before the first production type flew. With the first production aircraft emerging from their Columbus, OH plant, Curtiss found a series of problems with the SB2C. These generated so many fixes that a second assembly line was built to immediately modify newly built aircraft to the latest standard. Moving through three modification schemes, Curtiss was not able to incorporate all of the changes into the main assembly line until 600 SB2Cs were built. In addition to the fixes, other alterations to the SB2C series included the removal of the .50 machine guns in the wings (the cowl guns had been removed earlier) and replacing them with 20mm cannon. Production of the -1 series ended in spring 1944 with the switch to the -3. The Helldiver was built in variants through -5 with key changes being the use of a more powerful engine, four-bladed propeller, and the addition of wing racks for eight 5 in. rockets. SB2C Helldiver - Operational History: The reputation of the SB2C was well known before the type began arriving in late 1943. As a result, many front-line units actively resisted giving up their SBDs for the new aircraft. Due to its reputation and appearance, the Helldiver quickly earned the nicknames Son of a Bitch 2nd Class, Big-Tailed Beast, and just Beast. Among the issues put forward by crews in regard to the SB2C-1 was that it was underpowered, poorly built, possessed a faulty electrical system, and required extensive maintenance. First deployed with VB-17 aboard USS Bunker Hill, the type entered combat on November 11, 1943 during raids on Rabaul. It was not until spring 1944 that the Helldiver began to arrive in larger numbers. Seeing combat during the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the type had a mixed showing as many were forced to ditch during the long return flight after dark. Despite this loss of aircraft, it sped the arrival of improved SB2C-3s. Becoming the US Navys principal dive bomber, the SB2C saw action during the remainder of the conflicts battles in the Pacific including Leyte Gulf, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Helldivers also took part in attacks on the Japanese mainland. As later variants of the aircraft improved, many pilots came to have a grudging respect for the SB2C citing its ability to sustain heavy damage and remain aloft, its large payload, and longer range. Despite its early problems, the SB2C proved an effective combat aircraft and may have been the best dive bomber flown by the US Navy. The type was also the last designed for the US Navy as actions late in the war increasingly showed that fighters equipped with bombs and rockets were as effective as dedicated dive bombers and did not require air superiority. In the years after World War II, the Helldiver was retained as the US Navys prime attack aircraft and inherited the torpedo bombing role previously filled by the Grumman TBF Avenger. The type continued to fly until it was finally replaced by the Douglas A-1 Skyraider in 1949. SB2C Helldiver - Other Users: Watching the success of the German Junkers Ju 87 Stuka during the early days of World War II, the US Army Air Corps began looking for a dive bomber. Rather than seek a new design, the USAAC turned to existing types then in use with the US Navy. Ordering a quantity of SBDs under the designation A-24 Banshee, they also made plans to purchase a large number of modified SB2C-1s under the name A-25 Shrike. Between late 1942 and early 1944 900 Shrikes were built. Having re-assessed their needs based on combat in Europe, the US Army Air Forces found these aircraft were not needed and turned many back to the US Marine Corps while some were retained for secondary roles. The Helldiver was also flown by the Royal Navy, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Australia, and Thailand. French and Thai SB2Cs saw action against the Viet Minh during the First Indochina War while Greek Helldivers were used to attack Communist insurgents in the late 1940s. The last nation to use the aircraft was Italy which retired their Helldivers in 1959. Selected Sources Ace Pilot: SB2C HelldiverMilitary Factory: SB2C Helldiver Warbird Alley: SB2C Helldiver

Saturday, November 2, 2019

McMartin Preschool Trial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

McMartin Preschool Trial - Essay Example The discretion in the picture apart from the sexual abuse allegation by the victims, they also claimed to have witnessed flying, travelled in hot-air-balloon, some other claims by the victims were that they went through an underground tunnel. The most hilarious claim by the victim was that actor Chuck Norris abused him. After seriously investigating the theories given by the children, there was no substantial evidence to back such allegation. A conflicting goal in this case is cited when a witness who had earlier before the court case admitted to be mentally unstable, the victim is assessed through the prosecutor and the result of his mental status is ruled to have been caused by the events of the trial. He goes ahead in alleging that Raymond Bucker was sexually assaulting schoolchildren and was capable of flying. Politics play a role in this case when the initial prosecutor Mr. Glenn Stevens uses his position to influence the court case by forming the victim’s statement, the parents and teachers play a role in formulating their children’s statement during the interview. The defense team together questioned the reliability of such an act could happen to multiple student secretly without nobody having an hint of what is going on for such a long period of time. The presence of the media at the courtroom as they try to capture every single detail about the sex scandal that hit the pre-school also made the situation to be such a huge scandal. The prosecutor denied the defense attorneys team some very vital investigative information that could help the aid their evidence. The defense attorneys changed the public’s opinion by arguing that a major crime caused was by the media to give an opinion poll concerning Buckey since he deserved a fair trial at the courts of law. The other issue was the successful removal of a judge through a court motion. This made the public have another view on the case. The prosecutor, press

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discussion of Dance for Life Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Discussion of Dance for Life Program - Essay Example The 40 different weekly sessions involved in the program have drawn an initial 1,500 people in the first year to its current 20,000. Most of the people involved are under 18 and almost half come from minority ethnic communities. Classes in Dance For Life include salsa, street dance, modern dance and dance exercise, as well as others. (Dance for Life). The program has only been funded for three years but Middleton has gotten the support of many civic groups and has the program running strong. Their website discusses their objectives in detail, which include their focus on empowering young people to deal with obesity and stress. In addition to these weekly classes, Dance For Life has a professional dance group, Stance, that has workshops in the Bradford District at schools and youth groups. This company of 5 dancers have arrangements that "talk" about social issues including bullying, communication and how they feel "living in their own skin" (Dance for Life). Teachers comments have included: "Children all enjoyed the workshops and were fully engaged throughout" and "Excellent performance - pupils totally absorbed". The kids involved have commented positively as well. The following is an example of the classe s offered: 1. Asian Women's Exercise Women only; informal classes run by Dance for Life for Asian women; Thursday mornings at Attock Community Association 2. Belly Dancing @ Cafe West Informal classes run by Dance for Life for children and young people; Thursday evenings at Cafe West, Allerton 3. Breakdance for Children and Young People Informal classes run by Dance for Life for children and young people; YMCA, Little Horton 4. Classes for Children and Young People Informal classes run by Dance for Life for children and young people; various times and locations throughout the Bradford area 5. Contemporary Dance Informal classes run by Dance for Life; Tuesday evenings at Bradford College Using multiple agencies as support has been one of Middleton's primary efforts, and has organizations such as the Health Improvement Fund, the Children's Fund, the Bradford Council and other community service groups included. A common agenda among these groups is disease prevention and health education of the public, especially about non-communicable diseases that have surpassed communicable disease in global mortality (Scriven 2003:2). A new public health agenda in the UK has emerged and building multi-professional understanding and capabilities has become crucial to the success of their programs. Health promotion The whole idea of health promotion was only coined in the 1970's and has loosely been explained as a confluence of "health education, self-care movements, public health, preventative medicine and the women's movement" (Scriven 2003:1). But defining health promotion has brought about many different points of views from egalitarian to radical politics. In the article by Scriven, health promotion is called "the radical militant wing" of public health. There are four types of health promotion (Scriven 2003:6). The primary level focuses all of its energy toward the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Descriptive Statistics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Descriptive Statistics - Case Study Example To this extent, there is not aspect of descriptive statistics that is missing since both measures of central tendency and spread are used in the study (Dellinger & Kresnow, 2010). The minorities who are included in the study are defined by their age. The study accommodated views of minors up to a minimal age of 5 years. This was based on the realization that a child of age 5 would be informed on how to wear and use a helmet when cycling. The demographic data to this effect is available in the study given that an estimated 1,725 (75%) of the children had ridden on a bicycle. Descriptive statistics is essential in this study as it allows for the summary of the data using techniques such as tables and graphical representations; thus, allowing for easy statistical commentary (Dellinger & Kresnow, 2010). The inferential statistics of the study are test of hypotheses in which the study’s hypothesis was that bicycle-related injuries among children between 5-14 years can be condensed by the usage of helmets. Subsequently, the study uses sample statistics as an inferential test to sample out a representative number of respondents for the study. This is done through the estimation of the parameters of the study. Standard t-tests are also used to examine the differences in behavior of children in wearing helmets. The p-values identified in the study are correspondent to the objectives of the study. At p

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Obesity in Childhood with Regard to Nutrition

Obesity in Childhood with Regard to Nutrition Obesity is a term used in medical in which body accumulates an extra amount of fats; gathered to the degree that it may have a negative impact on health. It leads to reduce the life expectancy or expanded health issues. Risks of diseases and health issues increase due to obesity in the form of heart problem, high blood pressure and diabetes. Stoutness or obesity builds the probability of different diseases, especially coronary illness, diabetes, obstructive slumber apnea, certain sorts of growth and osteoarthritis. Stoutness is most normally initiated by a mix of inordinate nourishment energy consumption, absence of physical action, and hereditary defenselessness, in spite of the fact that a couple of cases are brought about principally by genes, endocrine issue, and drugs or psychiatric. Evidence to help the view that some hefty people take less food yet they gain weight because of a moderate digestion system is constrained. Normal fat individuals have more excellent vitality or energy consumption than their slight partners because of the vitality needed to keep an enhanced figure mass (Obesity). Reasons of Obesity in children due to Nourishment The most evident reason for overweight during childhood as it is in mature and adults are vitality unevenness between calories expended and consumed. Stationary lifestyle and imbalanced sustenance and nourishment support the increment in overweight kids. Scientists estimated modifying systems in newborn children and youthful kids, a trans generational nature of heftiness customizing. This implies that fat moms and the individuals who put on exorbitant weight increase throughout pregnancy by one means or another incline their youngsters towards getting overweight themselves. Once settled in the populace, the expanded danger of stoutness or obesity may proliferate from era to era (Katz). Diet of Children Throughout the most recent decades affordability of food and nourishment has much increased to bigger amounts of individuals as the cost of buying food has diminished generously in respect to income and the idea of food has transformed from a method of sustenance to a marker of lifestyle and a wellspring of joy. Plainly, builds in physical action are not liable to balance a vitality rich, poor nutritive eating regimen. It takes between 1–2 hours of to a great degree overwhelming movement to check a solitary expansive measured (i.e., >=785 kcal) kids supper at a quick nourishment restaurant. Regular utilization of such an eating regimen can scarcely be balanced by the normal youngster or mature person (Zieve, 2011). Unhealthy Eating Habits With the progression of time children have changed their dietary patterns to a considerable measure of degree. Children are consuming a great deal of bad nourishment that is expanding fats in their physique. Utilization of quick and fast food is expanding step by step which incorporate cheeseburgers, pizzas and other quick nourishment things. This sustenance is enjoyed in entire United States of America regardless of sex and age. In the consequence everyone who utilizes this fast food in excess is casualty of fatness. This fast food is unhygienic for everybody who utilizes it (Obesity in Children). Intake of Calories In spite of the fact that obesity and overweight are basically thought to be the consequences of expansion in caloric intake there is insufficient supporting confirmation for such sensation. Nourishment recurrence strategies measure common eating regimen, however gauge caloric intake defectively. Different strategies, for example, 24-hour review or nourishment journals assess caloric intakes all the more precisely however it does not take into consideration the long term intake. All out vitality admission is troublesome to measure correctly at a populace level. Be that as it may, a little caloric awkwardness (inside the wiggle room of estimation techniques) is sufficient over a long time of time to prompt obesity. With simultaneous ascent in adolescence obesity pervasiveness in the USA, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) noted just unobtrusive change in calorie intake around US kids from the 1970s to 1988–1994. For this period, NHANES III discovered an expansion calorie allow just around white and dark juvenile females. The same example was seen by the most recent NHANES (1999–2000). The Bogalusa study which has been taking after the health and sustenance of kids since 1973 in Bogalusa (Louisiana), reported that aggregate intake calorie of 10-year old children remained unaltered throughout 1973–1988 and a slight yet critical reduction was watched when intake of energy was communicated for every kilogram form weight. The consequence of an overview did throughout the past few decades in the UK prescribed that normal intake of energy, for all age aggregations, are easier than they used to be. Some little studies additionally discovered comparable vitality admission around fat kids and their thin counterparts (Zieve, 2011). Fat intake For a long time it has been argued that the increment in pediatric obesity has happened in light of an expansion in high fat taking, conflicting effects have been acquired by cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The principle complaint to the idea that dietary fat is answerable for the quickened pediatric obesity plague is the way that in the meantime the commonness of adolescence obesity was expanding; the utilization of dietary fat in distinctive population was diminishing. Despite the fact that fat consumed in overabundance prompts obesity, there is not solid enough confirmation that the intake of fat is the core purpose behind the rising pattern of obesity during the childhood (Staff, 2013). Other nourishment factors There is a developing proof recommending that escalating consumption of dairy products by something like two servings for every day could decrease the danger of overweight by up to 70%. Moreover intake of calcium was connected with 21% lessened danger of improvement of insulin safety around overweight children and may lessen diabetes hazard. Higher calcium consumption and more dairy servings for every day were connected with lessened adiposity in youngsters in accordance with the longitudinal study (Overweight and Obesity, 2014). There is less information reporting the connection between calcium or dairy consumption and obesity around the children. However it is possible that drinking soda in the place of milk would cause in grater intake of aggregate energy, it cant be finished up authoritatively that soft drink containing sugar result in increasing weight gain on the grounds that these items dislodge dairy items (Mahshid, Noori, Anwar, 2005). Conclusion: Obesity in the childhood due to nourishment is continuously increasing which is an alarming situation. It is because of the wrong intake of food. Children are more inclined to eating the fast food like burger, pizza and other products like this which cause the obesity in the childhood which further result in many health issues like heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure. Products containing more fat and calorie are also the reason of increasing obesity in the children. Dairy products are also becoming the reason of obesity. Bibliography Katz, D. L. (n.d.). Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from liebertpub: http://www.liebertpub.com/overview/childhood-obesity/384/ M. D., N. A., Anwar. (2005). hildhood obesity, prevalence and prevention. Nutrition Journal , 24. Obesity. (n.d.). Retrieved from who.int: http://www.who.int/topics/obesity/en/ Obesity in Children. (n.d.). Retrieved from webmd: http://www.webmd.com/children/guide/obesity-children Overweight and Obesity. ( 2014, February 24). Retrieved from cdc.gov: http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/ Staff, M. C. ( 2013, June 07). Diseases and Conditions Obesity. Retrieved from mayoclinic.org: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/obesity/basics/definition/con-20014834 Zieve, D. (2011, September 9). Obesity in children. Retrieved from nlm.nih.gov: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007508.htm

Friday, October 25, 2019

President Bill Clintons Impeachment :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays

Clinton's Impeachment In 1998 the American public was riveted by headlines detailing the private sexual encounters of our president and a White House employee. For the first time in US history, a sitting president had every aspect of his personal life presented to the public for debate. As the smoke cleared, discussions began to question what trend had allowed the media to print such sordid details about our top elected official. Suddenly, our Commander in Chiefs private life warranted front-page news. What gave us the right to invade his privacy? The theories presented to answer this question blame everything from technology to a lack of morality. Many feel the information age has allowed the public such a high degree of exposure to headline news-bites that the competition for an original, attention grabbing story has forced the media to dig deeper to hold public interest. Others say the success of tabloid media in the late eighties and early nineties is to blame. They proved that scandal sells. Political analysts believe Clinton can only blame himself. During his first campaign he answered personal questions openly and with amusement. Even an extrinsic question about his choice of underwear was acceptable. GOP leadership would have us believe it is a conspiracy lead by the Republican Party in an attempt to gain control of the White House. Religious leaders think American morality has sunk so low that all this news of scandal has just become perverse entertainment. Journalists in an attempt to justify the story wil l argue it is our right to know. It would be reasonable to assume that each of these factors contributed to the end result. It may be necessary to look into the history books to find the root cause for this. We know from biographies written about former presidents that there were very few who can claim they had nothing to hide. In contrast with the current trend there was actually very little scandalous press written during their respective terms. Harry Truman was the harbinger of change. He almost lost his bid for re-election when some of the countries most respected newspapers printed allegations, based mostly on rumor, that he was involved in the corrupt politics of Thomas Pendergast. This was a departure from the term of James Garfield in 1881.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lord of the Flies †Character Analysis: Piggy Essay

Examine the significance of the character Piggy in the novel â€Å"Lord of The Flies† consider his purpose, key role and relationship with the other boys at important points in the novel. To mimic men’s actions and lost of civility in times of war and need, William Golding, narrates a story in which all characters are boys, with the intention of taking the reader through the journey made by those who descend to savagery when facing certain conditions. This essay is going to explore and explain the symbolism behind one of the novel’s main characters and how his presence influences other characters’ actions and the way things turn out. Piggy is a Short and heavyset boy who wears spectacles and is disadvantaged by asthma. At first he appears to be a desperate childish boy by panicking over the rest of the world’s lack of information regarding his and the boys’ whereabouts, – while the others see this as an opportunity to be free and independent – which makes him seem like a dependable, desperate young boy. However, as the story unfolds we come to understand that his worrying at the beginning is related to his analytical way of thinking. And even though the other boys put him down due to his physical appearance, we come to learn how necessary he is on the island as a source of intelligence and insight. Due to his unfortunate looks and his nickname, the boys on the island refuse on sympathizing with Piggy and collectively make fun of him, making him an outcast – â€Å"The boys were a circle of sympathy with Piggy outside†. Bullied and brutalized by Jack, he maturely shields away the mocking and focuses on increasing their chances of being rescued and meanwhile living in an organized environment. However, as soon as his intellectual side starts to show, and his critical thinking becomes a crucial part in assembling a new community, – â€Å"I expect we’ll want to know all their names,† said the fat boy, â€Å"and make a list. We ought to have a meeting. † – he slowly begins being accepted. His clever ideas introduce important concepts to the rest of the boys. For example, the use of the conch: the power to speak and be heard given to whoever held it in hands. The way he thinks endears him especially to Ralph who starts to admire him. â€Å"Piggy rubbed his glasses slowly and thought. When he understood how far Ralph had gone towards accepting him he flushed pinkly with pride. †- Thankful for being accepted, Piggy shows loyalty and respect for Ralph. At a certain point, Ralph questions his leadership skills and compares himself to Piggy who stands up for him – â€Å"You said Ralph was chief and you don’t give him time to think. Then when he says something you rush off†. He protects Ralph and reminds the others that they all collectively chose him to be their leader. Once again, Piggy shows he hasn’t lost his values and instincts. Although he might not entirely fit in with the others, he manages to get his point across with Ralph’s help. His ideas frequently lead to innovation and his way of thinking is what gets them by the first stages of civilized survival. He represents democracy by presenting his ideals to the others and hoping to come to a mutual agreement on the way of executing things; and clings onto civility throughout the whole novel, by pointing out whenever one of the other boys take a step away from civilization. Underestimated by many at the beginning, Piggy’s role in the story carries a very important meaning and stands for great attributes found in men. The sensible understanding of reality shown by the character stands for the rational scientific side of civilization. His maturity differentiates him from the others – â€Å"With the martyred expression of a parent who has to keep up with the senseless ebullience of the children† – and becomes essential in avoiding savagery and barbaric behavior from the boys. His character is related to a great part of the symbolism used by Golding and has a very important role in preventing the descent from civilization to savagery, however, he sadly he witnesses the turnover. Piggy’s glasses represent many different ideas. The initial importance of the specs is that they represent the ability to make fire, which they hoped would provide the rescue they needed. Piggy’s glasses also signify Piggy’s ability to see literally and figuratively. Without them, he is helpless and blind. He is unable to serve as well as Ralph’s right-hand man and voice of logic. When Piggy is â€Å"blinded† it symbolizes the blindness of the Jack’s tribe to the evil to which they are succumbing. Piggy’s murder completes the boys’ lost of sight (figuratively speaking) and forces them into total darkness, which leads to the hunting of Ralph. When his glasses are broken and he tragically dies, so does what is left of order and civilization in the island. Of all the forms of symbolism present in the book, Piggy’s character carries a relation to many of them. To being with, his nickname isn’t only related to his physical structure, but it also suggests vulnerability, like the pigs on the island that rapidly become Jack’s targets. Another important symbolic element related to Piggy is the conch he and Ralph found at the start of the novel. They used it to call the boys and assemble them. After the conch is crashed along with his body, the boys divide themselves representing the loss of the civilized instinct once present in each and every boy. Piggy is significant in the novel not only because he is one of the main characters, but also because his purpose is directly related to the main theme of the story: civilization vs. savagery. Although he wasn’t able to make the concept of civilization permanent, he spends the whole novel trying to get his values across, and reminding the others of who they were and how they were expected to behave. His intelligence gives him the voice of sanity and reason.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

What is steaming (food)?

Steaming is a cooking method that uses the steam from water under varying degrees of pressure. Low pressure cooking is food cooked either direct contact with the steam or an indirect contact. High pressure steaming, on the other hand is done when steam is not allowed to escape the cooking equipment that increases the temperature and pressure build-up that reduces cooking time. 2. What is a bamboo steamer?A bamboo steamer is a round wooden cookware made from bamboo with a lattice for a bottom and a snug top. It is placed on a wok or a pan with water and the food is cooked inside the bamboo steamer. It can also be stacked on top of one another to enable food to be cooked simultaneously. The holes under the bamboo steamer are what cook the food inside of it in low pressure cooking. 3. Brief history of bamboo steam in Asia? The first bamboo steamer was developed in China where ovens are not a common sight.In Asian cuisine, as opposed to Western cuisine, rice, not bread is their staple, a nd therefore, the idea of using an oven is not a common one. As a substitute, to be able to cook their breads, they developed the steamer which is commonly used in cooking steamed cakes such as the siopao. 4. Healthy and Efficient Advantages of steamed food with a Bamboo Steamer As already stated earlier, the bamboo steamer can be stacked on top of one another making cooking large amounts of food more quickly to accomplish.It is also designed to fit in any wok and could also fit in pans so no special equipment is needed to use them. The bamboo also helps to absorb excess moisture to keep the food from becoming soggy and retains heat. Health benefits of cooking with a bamboo steamer include being able to cook the food without using any sort of fat, oils, or butter, retaining its healthy properties and appears fresh and vibrant, and its naturally antibacterial properties. 5.How to care for your bamboo steamer? In cleaning the bamboo steamer, mild soap should be used along with warm wa ter to prevent any damages. After washing, the bamboo steamer should be thoroughly drained and dried before it is put away to prevent molds from accumulating. Also, bamboo steamers should never be put in the dishwasher and as much as possible, direct food to steamer contact should be avoided (this can be done with the use of parchment paper or lettuce).Removing food bits that get stuck to the steamer should be removed with a nylon scrubber 6. Other uses for bamboo steamer (favor box, centerpiece†¦)? Uses for the bamboo steamer include: †¢ Centerpiece †¢ Dim Sum and Food Steaming †¢ Tamales †¢ Pie Carrier †¢ Gift Box †¢ Wedding Favors †¢ Heating food †¢ Steam-Dye Fabrics †¢ Pet Treat Basket †¢ Food Basket Reference: http://www. gourmetsleuth. com/Articles/Unique-Cooking-Tools-641/bamboo-steamer. aspx http://www. wisegeek. com/what-are-bamboo-steamers. htm

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Overview of the Uk Transport System Essay Example

Overview of the Uk Transport System Essay Example Overview of the Uk Transport System Essay Overview of the Uk Transport System Essay OVERVIEW OF THE UK TRANSPORT SYSTEM With an integrated system of airports, seaports, rail and road, businesses located in the UK can select the optimal method of moving people and freight between major cities and locations, both within the UK and internationally. The main advantages of the UK transport system include: o Excellent air links to locations all over the world from world-class international airports. o An advanced and comprehensive road system that links all locations throughout the UK. o A privatised rail network linking all locations across the UK and, through the Channel Tunnel, all locations in mainland Europe. Over 100 seaports across the UK, handling the largest volume of seaport traffic in Europe. Private (Cars Motorcycle) Most people in UK travel by car. About 75% of households have at least one car. Motorcycling is popular in UK, both as a means of transport and as a pastime with over one million motorcyclists. A full motorcycle licence can be obtained at the ag e of 17 after passing a test. Public 1. Road The UK has an advanced and comprehensive road transport system, with a total of 394,000 kilometres of roads. There are almost 3,600 kilometres of motorways, all of which are toll-free except for the M6 Toll adjacent to the M6 in Birmingham. Roads and motorways are UKs primary domestic transport routes. The roads are divided up between major and minor roads. a. Taxi Cab We can stop taxis in the street or hire them at a taxi rank. We can also book minicabs by telephoning their office. Taxis have a meter that works out the fare, which is based on how long a journey takes. Minicabs often do not have a meter and are sometimes cheaper. The most famous taxi has to be the black cabs taxi service in London. Black cabs, also known as hackney carriages or hackney cabs, with the for hire sign lit. b. Buses Public transport in the UK is well developed with local bus services throughout the country. In Great Britain, bus services are generally privately owned. In Northern Ireland they are state-owned and operated by  Translink. Discount fares are often available for young people, students and pensioners. Decker United Kingdom has single Decker and double Decker buses. The red double-decker buses in  London  have become a  national symbol  of England. Double-decker buses are in common use throughout the  United Kingdom, and have been favoured over articulated buses by many operators because of the shorter length of double-deckers. We can find them in towns and cities. The main places a bus goes to are shown on the front of the bus. You pay the driver when you go in. On single-deckers you sometimes buy your ticket from a machine in the bus. Most London buses have a conductor who will come round and collect fares. One way of seeing cities major sight is on an open-top double-decker bus. Tickets are valid for 24 hours and allow unlimited ‘hop on/ hop off’ travel. Coaches Coaches travel longer distances, are more comfortable, have separate compartments for luggage and do not stop as frequently as Decker buses. We use coaches for travelling longer distances or for going on school outings. You must buy a ticket before boarding the buses, there are ticket machines at most bus stops/ stations. Bus routes are identified by numbers and sometimes letters. Buses display their number in large digits at the front, side, and rear of the bus. 2. Rail The  railway system of  United Kingdom is the oldest in the world. The UK has the  18th largest railway network in the world  and one of the busiest railways  in Europe. a. Trams Tram is a vehicle which runs on fixed rails and is designed to travel on streets, sharing road space with other traffic and pedestrians. Most tram systems are on reserved tracks (fully segregated alignments), with only short stretches of on-street running. The tracks that a tram runs on are called a tramway; the system itself can be called a tramway system. Tram systems use lightweight vehicles, which operate at lower speeds than onventional rail vehicles. There are eight tramway/ lightrail systems in the UK; in Croydon, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Newcastle, Nottingham and Blackpool. The stops or stations can be closer to the places they serve, and to other modes of transport at interchanges, than heavy rail routes. b. Light Rail The term light rail is used to describe railway opera tions using smaller vehicles which have a lower capacity and lower speed than conventional railways; light rail infrastructure is designed to be cheaper to build and maintain. Light rail is an intermediate transport mode, catering for short intra- and inter-urban journeys- stops are generally closer together than commuter railways but further apart than local bus routes. Light rail systems almost universally feature electric power, although there are a very small number of diesel light rail vehicles. c. Subway/ Metro Some light rail systems are referred to as Metros. Metro is a term which can be used to describe a high-frequency inter- or intra-urban railway system, which is entirely or largely separate from other main line railway operations. Metro systems feature sections of underground railway and underground stations. Metros can use either conventional heavy rail technology (heavy metro) or modern light rail technology (light metro). Underground railway systems operate in London, Glasgow, and Liverpool. An example in Britain of heavy metro would be the London Underground; examples in Britain of light metro are the Tyne and Wear Metro and the Docklands Light Railway. The London underground railway system (or tube, as it is known locally) is probably the quickest way of getting round the capital. Londons tube network covers the largest area of any underground rail system. The tube runs to all areas of central and greater London, connecting all mainline stations. 3. Air Transport The UK has the largest air transport system in Europe. Air transport is the most popular mode of transport for visitors both to and from the UK. Air transport in the United Kingdom  is the commercial carriage of passengers, freight and mail by aircraft. a. Airport The leading airports in the UK are: London Heathrow: the largest and busiest international airport in Europe and the third largest globally, handling over 65 million passengers a year. Ninety airlines fly to 179 destinations worldwide, operating an average of 1,250 flights a day. The airport is situated 15 miles west of London and has five terminals, terminal 5, used exclusively by  British Airways. London Gatwick: the busiest single-runway airport in the world, with over 32 million passengers handled each year. Ninety airlines fly to 213 different destinations, operating an average of over 700 flights a day. The Airport is situated 27 miles to the south of the city centre. Manchester Airport: the third largest airport in the UK, handling 22 million passengers each year. Over 100 airlines fly to 225 different destinations, operating an average of 600 flights a day. Other major international airports in the UK include Birmingham International, London Stansted, London Luton, Nottingham East Midlands, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Newcastle, Robin Hood Airport (Sheffield), Cardiff and Belfast International. b. Airlines Passengers The majority of all passengers travelling by air to or from the UK are carried by UK  airlines, British Airways, and easyJet. The most famous British aeroplanes of all time have to be the Comet and Concorde. Even now, Concorde excites much admired for its beautiful design. Just over a fifth of all terminal passengers are travelling on domestic routes only, whilst half are travelling between the UK and the rest of the  European Union. Just over a quarter of all passengers are travelling on business. 4. Water Transport The United Kingdom is home to a vast network of  waterways. These are navigable bodies of water in various forms such as  canals,  rivers  and  lakes. Natural rivers and lakes were the first waterways to be used for the transportation of people and goods. a. Canals The canals of the United Kingdom are a major part of the network of inland waterways in the United Kingdom. They have a colourful history, from use for irrigation and transport, through becoming the focus of the Industrial Revolution, to today’s role for recreational boating. b. Harbour/Ports The UK ports and harbours industry is one of the largest in Europe, with over 100 active ports operating across the UK. Major international ports such as Tilbury, Southampton, Immingham and Liverpool have container-handling facilities, so goods can be transferred efficiently to other ships, or road or rail transportation. Ports trading with continental Europe such as Dover, Portsmouth and Harwich all have well-developed roll-on/roll-off ferry services to allow goods and materials to be delivered by road. Other ports specialise in general cargo, passenger traffic and fishing. c. Ferries Passenger ferries are widely used for cross-Channel services. Ferries from the UK also sail to Scandinavia, Ireland and Britains various offshore islands. Roll-on/roll-off ferries carry road vehicles between ports in the UK and mainland Europe. These ferries are a fast and efficient way to ship road freight across the English Channel and North Sea. d. Cargo Ships General cargo ships are used for break-bulk and mixed-load cargoes. Specialised bulk carriers are the most efficient way to carry grain, minerals, coal and similar heavy goods. Bulk liquid tankers carry oil, liquefied gas, wine and other liquids. Dry-freight boxes carry every kind of dry product, from electrical equipment to clothing. There are also refrigerated containers, tank containers for carrying liquids and special containers for carrying non-standard cargoes.