Saturday, March 21, 2020

Being here in Italy I realized that there are a lo Essays

Being here in Italy I realized that there are a lot of differences between the Americans and the Italians. Some of them are kind of difficult to adjust with, being that I have gotten extremely comfortable in the situation that I was brought up in, and having to make a major transformation it's hard. Throughout this paper I am going to give off a few examples of the different cultural lifestyles. In America when people go to purchase something from a store, restaurant, or even just to pay for the services that they have received; they always do a cash exchange by hand to hand. If someone was to lay their payment down and expect the other side to pick it up, that would be a form of disrespect. Now as for in Italy, when paying for anything, they always lay the money, or whatever type of payment they are making, on the counter. The first time I experienced that I just stood there with my hand out, but that is their culture. When it comes to breakfast in the states, Americans tend to throw down in the kitchen. They make eggs, grits, pancakes, biscuits, sausages, and bacon; along with that they will have a glass of orange juice, or even both milk. Opposed to Italians, they tend to go out and buy something or sometimes do not even eat the morning. When they do decide to, they eat sweets. They will have some sort of croissant filled with an extremely sweet flavoring with very little cup of coffee or even hot chocolate. Now don't get it twisted with American hot chocolate that consist of milk or water with a chocolate based power; Italian hot chocolate is just that, melted down chocolate put into a cup. Driving in the two different countries are different also. First off in America the odometer goes off miles per hour. Here in Italy they go off of kilometers. In states, you will find stop lights every three blocks or so on main streets and/or side streets, if not a stop sign. In Italy they have "round abouts" (I am not sure of the correct term) and signs that tell you where u cannot enter. I have yet to see a stop sign here, you have to use better judgment when driving on the Italian roads; they have "the need for speed". Lastly in America you will find all different types, shapes, and sizes of vehicles. In Italy, you will fine different types, shapes, but mainly all the same sizes. They tend to drive more of compacted cars, due to the smaller roads. In states their roads are much larger. When it comes to clubs and bars, Italy and America have different standards. In America, when you go out to a bar or club they "card" you, to be sure you are of age to be there. In Italy, they just let you in the club or bar, so you will find thirteen year olds in there partying with grown people. Another thing that I found was completely different is the way the drinks are paid for. Here in Italy they give you a paper card, and every time you buy a drink or coat check they punch the amount on the card. Now in America you pay for your drinks and coat check up front. Buying sneakers in the two countries are different also. Italians tend to buy their shoes as if they have already been worn. They are brand new, but when purchased out of the store they look scuffed up or some dirty way. Americans buy their shoes pure. And when they get to the point where they look scuffed or old, they have to go out and get another brand new pair. Throughout this paper you have read a few of the differences that Italy and America have. So hopefully it is put well enough to understand why it is difficult to adjust to.

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