Thursday, September 12, 2019

Critically discuss the relationships between tourism and leisure Essay

Critically discuss the relationships between tourism and leisure behaviour, and the implications of these relationshipsfor the understanding and management of tourism - Essay Example The concept of ‘away from home’ has been constructively exploited by the enterprising entrepreneurs to lay the foundation of tourism which has now become a huge emerging new industry in the contemporary environment of globalization. Thus the intrinsic but evolving relationship between the tourism and leisure behaviour of the people has become the one of the most challenging business goals of the contemporary society. Leisure and recreation were not an option in olden times but the industrial revolution of the nineteenth century had brought about sweeping changes in the workplace, providing people with more time and improved lifestyle and was motivated towards recreational activities, involving family and friends. Alfred Llyods says ‘leisure ... is a pressing problem of the day†¦ if the new leisure in amount and importance be what it has appeared to be and if, as might be inferred, the mingled danger and opportunity of it be at all in proportion, then is civilization entering upon an adventure for romantic characters, for need of wisdom and imagination and courage far exceeding anything in the past’ (Lloyd, 1922: 171, 172). Indeed, the leisure time is important part of recreation. Bertrand Russell argues that ‘mans true life does not consist in the business of filling his belly and clothing his body, but in art and thought and love, in the creation and contemplation of beauty and in the scientific understanding of the world’ (Russell and Russell, 1923: 50). The House of Lords had also acknowledged that ‘it should make one or two hours a week available for leisure’ (House of Lords Select Committee on Sport and Leisure, 1973: xii). But Roberts challenge the perception of leisure when he says ‘Are we verging on a golden age of leisure or threatened by a wilderness of boredom?’ (Roberts, 2006: 18). Leisure times and holidays have always held a special charm for the young and the old alike. Krippendorf (1987)

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