Monday, September 30, 2019

Survival Guide Hari Raya

Personal Trainer & Nutritionist have been a personal trainer and nutritionist for over 6 years. I got my certification from A. F. T. A in the USA Speaker conduct various health and corporate wellness seminars. Some of my clients include Nestle, Node's, Bank Engage, Patrons Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia and other clients in both the private and public sector TV Host am a regular TV guest on various talk shows discussing health, diet, nutrition and other wellness topics. Brand Ambassador As part of my job, have been fortunate to represent brands such as Aids, Nestle and Fitness Concept.Web Entrepreneur love the web. We launched Cooked. Com, a Malaysian calorie database, eBooks and are very active in providing tips on our website – Shakespearian. Com, Backbone and Twitter Shakespearian. Com 0 201 0 4 WEIGHT LOSS FAQ Shakespearian. Com 0 201 0 General Hair Array FAQ 5 Before share my 20 hair array weight loss survival tips, lets look at some general FAQ How much to eat during array? To tally up to you but try to follow some of the 20 tips I am going to share with you Nina bit. Will you gain weight over hair array? Most probably. Its opposite to Ramadan.Where 90% lose weight during Ramadan, 90% of you will gain weight during the first few days of seawall. All I can say is that it is K to indulge and reward yourself after a long month of fasting. But, don't worry. Your goal this array should be to minimize weight gain! If you have lost egg during pupas, keep weight gain below egg. But how can I lose weight during hair array? Yes, you don't want to be in the 90% group. In fact, everyone who reads and understands my eBooks should be in the 10% â€Å"l am going to lose weight this array† group. K there are two parts to this: ; First 10 days: These are the hardest as festivities are at their peak and everyone is in the leaps germ mode. During this period, your AOL (if any) should be to minimize weight gain. ; Last 20 days: Again since open houses are mostly limit ed to the weekends, you MUST make sure that your week days are as healthy as possible. If you have 5 good days and 2 bad days, you should be K. Get back on track! So in combination, to lose weight over the 30 days of array, make sure your exercise & diet routine get back on track, especially during weekdays as weekends are filled with tempting open houses.Make me proud! Should you exercise during array? Totally up to you but not very convenient when you are on the road and everyone else is indulging In Megan and shakeups. So for me, I don't exercise during the first week. Once I return to work, it is a good time to restart my exercise program. That said, there is no need to reward your self for 30 days. 10 crazy days and 20 healthy eating days is fine with me. Can start the â€Å"How to lose egg in seeks† program during array? Yup, but would advice you NOT to start it until you are back into your normal routine.The â€Å"How to lose egg in 5 weeks† program requires you to have control over your day. When you Bali camping or are in the midst of hair array, you probably lose control! But hey, if you feel you are ready and motivated, oh can get started anywhere, any time! Any guidelines before I start to exercise again? If you have not been exercising throughout Ramadan (like me), you can't continue where you left off. The lack of exercise during Ramadan has affected your strength and cardiovascular fitness. Here are some guidelines to help you get back on track: ; Start slow!Keep the intensity within moderate levels. ; Make sure to eat your pre and post exercise meals (a must for weight training) ; Pace yourself. It will time to rebuild your fitness and strength. ; your body. If you can't cope, stop. You don't want to get injured now, do you? Arrival Guide: 20 Hair Array Tips to Keep That weight Off Listen to 6 20 HAIR ARRAY TIPS TO KEEP THAT WEIGHT OFF! Celebrate Array! Don't be one of those people who bring you. Hair array is a celebration. A rew ard for all the fasting you have committed yourself to for 30 days. Reward yourself.Its K to let go for a few days. 7 Yes, the first few days are special and all the great food is just too tempting but hey, after a few days its time to head back to reality and keep your intake in check. My advice, take it easy. Pace yourself. 8 Do you know how many calories are in leman, longing or all those shih-Mimi? It takes 20 minutes Eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for you to feel full. Never start with desserts! Always start with a proper meal. Go for rice, meats, vegetables or whatever makes up a balanced meal. 9 â€Å"Stretch† Your Buffet.Opposed to a served meal, buffets allow you to control your portions and choices BUT some relative will nag you for not eating enough or making enough â€Å"rounds†. My tip: Take small portions and frequent trips. This gives people the impression that you are eating a lot. 10 Never start with desserts. They are packed with sugars and fat s. If you want desserts, reduce the calories from your main course. Milk before you hit the road. What? More food? Well yes and no. During this festivity, most of you will be hitting the road when visiting friends and family but with all the traffic & delays, its important to keep your hunger in check.A quick glass of low-fat milk (or any other balanced snack) before you leave home keeps your cravings in check. This helps you to avoid unnecessary calories. Know your r ay calories. If you are serious about keeping your array weight gain in check, make sure that you are aware of all your array-food calories. Well you should! Otherwise, you lose control over your weight. How many cookies do you need? Ah yes, the humiliation cookies or biscuit array. They are everywhere you go and loaded with sugar (calories). Do the math: Lets say an average cookies packs some 35 calories.If you eat 10 cookies per open house and visit xx houses per day, that works out to be a whooping 21 ,OOH calories or 2. Egg! How to reward? By enjoying all the delicious leman, rending and other yummy but know your limits. You don't need 30 day of feasting! Yes idolatry is 30 days long but that doesn't mean you have to eat-all-you-can every single day. Stick to 10 vs. 20 days. If you need to indulge in array food and o all out, stick to 10 out of the 30 days of seawall. Example: First 2 days of array + weekends. Its K to say â€Å"No†. As a guest, we always feel obligated to well eat.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethical Worksheet Essay

1. What is the ethical issue or problem? Identify the issue succinctly. The probation officer has to generate a presentence investigation report for the husband’s trial. The probation officer has to keep in consideration that this last DUI would be the husband’s third conviction, the only one being after his military service. The standard sentence for a third time offense usually begins at a minimum of 90 days in custody. The husband, however, has a record diagnosing him with post-traumatic stress disorder (developed after serving in Somalia) where confinement can trigger regression, explosive outbursts, and traumatic flashbacks. What should the probation officer recommend? 2. What are the most important facts? Which facts have the most bearing on the ethical decision presented? Include any important potential economic, social, or political pressures, and exclude inconsequential facts. This is the husband’s third DUI offense. Due to the husband’s military service in Somalia, and his imprisonment by the enemy soldier, he now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and has regressed to the level of a 10-year-old. As per his psychiatrists, any type of confinement could worsen his regression, triggering explosive outbursts and traumatic flashbacks. The standard sentencing (since he’s a third time offender) usually begins at a minimum of 90 days in custody. His prior convictions happened before his military service and he served a total of 60 days in custody, without incidents. 3. Identify each claimant (key actor) who has an interest in the outcome of this ethical issue. From the perspective of the moral agent—the individual contemplating an ethical course of action—what obligation is owed to the claimant? Why? Claimant (key actor) Obligation (owed to the claimant) Perspective (What does the claimant hope will happen?) Probation Officer Beneficence, protection, service The probation officer would strongly recommend for the husband be placed under house arrest and attend intensive therapy and rehabilitation, rather than being incarcerated or institutionalized. Husband Respect, order The husband would prefer to pay a fine, if any, and be penalized in any way other than confinement. Judge Beneficence, non-injury The judge would prefer to help the mental condition of the husband, as well as keep the order in any jails and/or correctional facilities. Psychiatrist Beneficence, farewell The psychiatrists would prefer to attend to the husband’s mental condition through intense therapy and rehabilitation, and avoid confinement at all cost. Society Justice, peace and order Society would prefer any type of rehabilitative therapy for the husband, a military veteran, and not incarceration. Evaluating Alternatives 4. What are two alternatives for the scenario? One alternative can be a wild card that you ordinarily may not consider an option because of potential implications. Both should be within free will and control of the same moral agent. Alternative A Alternative B The probation officer strongly recommends rehabilitative therapy and psychotherapy in place of any incarceration time. The probation officer generates the PSI report following protocol of recommending the standard mandatory minimum of 90 days in jail for being the husband’s third conviction. 5. Respond to the following questions based on your developed alternatives. Alternative A Alternative B What are the best- and worst-case scenarios if you choose this alternative? Best: The husband shows improvement through different types of therapy and overcomes alcoholism. Worst: Therapy is useless for the husband and his alcohol dependency worsens. Best: Standard procedures are followed. Husband has no outburst or violent flashbacks. Worst: Husband has a violent outburst hrs within incarceration, has to be placed in solitary confinement, mental state deteriorates. Will anyone be harmed if this alternative is chosen? If so, how will they be harmed? Consider families and derivative effects. The husband will be hurt if the therapies recommended do not work as expected. His mental condition and alcohol dependency may worsen if the issue is not approached properly. The husband’s mental, emotional, and maybe even physical state will worsen will incarceration, since his violent outburst and flashbacks will be reoccurring. Would honoring an idea or value—such as personal, professional, or religious—make the alternative invalid? Prioritizing the mental health and wellbeing of a military veteran with service related issues, such as PTSD makes the alternative invalid. Following the standard sentencing for a third time offender would make the alternative invalid. Are there any rules, laws, or principles that support the alternative? Are there rules, laws, or principles that make the alternative invalid? State the rule or principle and indicate if it invalidates or supports the alternative. 3455. Idiocy as a Defense You may not find the defendant guilty of if (he/she) was legally incapable of committing a crime because of idiocy. The defendant was legally incapable of committing a crime because of idiocy if at the time the crime was committed: 1. (he/she) had a mental disease or defect; 2. Because of that disease or defect, (he/she) did not know or understand the nature and quality of (his/her) act or did not know or understand that (his/her) act was morally or legally wrong. V C Section 23546 Penalty Third Conviction Within Ten Years 23546. (a) If a person is convicted of a violation of Section 23152 and the offense occurred  within 10 years of two separate violations of Section 23103, as specified in Section 23103.5, 23152, or 23153, or any combination thereof, that resulted in convictions, that person shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 120 days nor more than one year and by a fine of not less than three hundred ninety dollars ($390) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). The person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be revoked by the Department of Motor Vehicles as required in paragraph (5) of subdivision (a) of Section 13352. The court shall require the person to surrender his or her driver’s license to the court in accordance with Section 13550 Applying Ethical Guidelines 6. Consider each ethical guideline and explain whether it would support or reject your alternative. Guidelines based on the action itself Alternative A Alternative B Should this alternative become a rule or policy that everyone in this situation should follow in similar situations in the future? (Kant) Yes No Does this alternative result in using any person as a means to an end without consideration for his or her basic integrity? (Kant) No Yes Is the intent of this action free from vested interest or ulterior motive? (Kant’s good will) Yes Yes Does this alternative demonstrate a genuine concern for others affected by the decision, and is the moral agency responding to a perceived need? Yes: concern for others and responding to a perceived need are implicated No Guidelines based on consequences Alternative A Alternative B Is the good that results from this alternative outweighed by the potential harm that might be done to others? (Mill’s harm principle) Possibly No Is any harm brought about by anyone other than the moral agent? (causal harm) No Yes, the husband and the implicated correctional facility Will anyone be harmed who can be said to be defenseless? (paternalism) No Yes, the husband in a regressed mental state of a 10 year old To what degree is this alternative based on the moral agent’s own best interest? (ethical egoism) Not based on the parole officer’s own interest. It is based on the best interest of the husband. Not based on the parole officer’s own interest. It is based on the best interest of the husband. Which alternative will generate the greatest benefit—or the least amount of harm—for the greatest number of people? Select only one alternative. (utilitarianism) Alterative A will generate the greatest benefit. Ethical Decision Making 7. Choose to proceed with either Alternative A or Alternative B and explain the reasons for your decision. I recommend that on the parole officer’s presentencing investigation report strongly recommend an alternative type of punitive action against the husband, in lieu of incarceration. He should take in consideration not only the welfare and mental health of the husband, but the order in the corresponding correctional facility. The parole officer should note that incarceration will not only greatly deteriorate the husband’s mental, emotional, and even physical health, but it will also create altercations and physical confrontations in jail. The parole officer should push for some type of intensive rehabilitative therapy, as well as psychotherapy, and any other type of therapy the husband may need in order to treat his mental condition as well as to address his alcohol dependency. If necessary, applying a fine and/or house arrest in order to pay for the offense. The par ole officer should put the health and well being of the husband first.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sex and Gender Issues at Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sex and Gender Issues at Work - Essay Example This paper dwells on a clear - cut case of Discrimination based on Sex. Under the circumstances, the client has no other alternative than to approach The Employment Tribunal to seek redressal for her grievance. The legal position with respect to the client's claim is that The Equal Pay Act of 1970(as amended on July 2003) makes it imperative for employers to pay the same wages for the same work to both men and women and that there should be no discrimination on the basis of gender. The Equal Pay Act 1970 (EPA) gives an individual a right to the same contractual pay and benefits as a person of the opposite sex in the same employment where the man and woman are doing. The E.P.A has been interpreted to cover indirect as well as direct sex discrimination. In other words, the E.P.A will be applicable to cases where the pay difference is due to a condition or practice, which applies to men and women but which adversely, affects a considerably larger proportion of one sex than the other and further, when it is not justifiable, irrespective of sex, to apply that condition or practice. Therefore, the client's employer has transgressed the law. Hence, the client can apply to The Employment Tribunal for claiming equal remuneration. The appropriate statutory procedure to be followed is that the aggrieved woman has to submit a written application regarding her grievance to her employer. After this, she has to allow twenty – eight days to elapse before she can approach The Employment Tribunal for redressal of her grievance.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Econs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Econs - Assignment Example This is due to stagnancyin the market space and increase in potential purchasing stores. The number of customers will remain constant while the number of stores increases resorting to increased competition among the traders. The profit obtained by the craft brewing industry will tend to reduce. This is because the store owners will tend to lower their prices to attract more customers and in turn lower their turnover. Most of the turnover will be divided among the different grocery store shelves. First, the breweries can manufacture different sized bottles. This will make the customers have a wide range of drinks which suite their needs at specific times. Secondly, the craft breweries could manufacture drinks available in different forms like powdered and liquid. This is because some customers may intend to purchase for use at that specified time or for a later use. When manufactured in powdered form, it can easily be store for future use by the customer. This will help target all customers and differentiate the craft breweries. Thirdly, the craft breweries could manufacture brands of different flavors. This would help break the usual sequence of a specified drink in the market and increase the sales as consumers will tend to try the new flavors. This would in turn help differentiate the craft breweries from each

Thursday, September 26, 2019

FDI Inflow in India through Manufacturing Sector Essay

FDI Inflow in India through Manufacturing Sector - Essay Example Although India is an under developed country and the government has taken all possible measures to boost up the FDI in all the sectors specially the manufacturing sector. The best econometric model which suits the inflow of FDI's in manufacturing sector is "Time Series Econometric Model". The variables of time series econometric model are stated below: After developing the variables, firstly, we need to assess their properties. Its existence both in long and short term is outlined through the time series analysis. Secondly, one needs to find out those variables which are dependent to each other so as to categorize them either in short term or medium term basis. Moreover, corrective and appropriate measures need to be taken in selecting the variables because only some of these variables produce good results in the long run while the rest do not. The most important thing regarding the application of this model in the manufacturing sector is the data provided. Because in third world or under developed countries like India the manipulation in the data might occur which may create problems in analyzing the real model. The Indian market is very attractive for the foreign investors due to its massive growth in population, economy and various other demographic factors. The Indian government has taken every possible measure to attract the foreign investors and due to this fact stock market of India has attained a new height and its trading volume has grown up exponentially over the last few years, right before the world economy went into a recession (Mehul). In the last 10 years, 27 billion dollars have been injected in the Indian economy, most of which was invested in the manufacturing sector, as availability of cheap labor is one of the key factors that attracts foreign investors. On an average India's overall manufacturing base has attracted investments worth 3.4 billion dollars from 2000 to 2008 in the form of FDI (The Financial Express). There is a huge potential in the manufacturing industry of India and economists estimate more than 12 billion dollars to be injected or invested in India's manufacturing sector in the next 5 years (The Financial Express). Statistics reveal that India is the fourth largest country in terms of FDI but they are still way behind in comparison with China, to refer to the proportions of FDI in India's manufacturing industry is around 37 in comparison to 67 per cent of China (Bhanu 3). Although there is a huge potential and flexibility in both the markets but due to the government policies, tax free zones, availability of cheap labor and resources, China finds its way comfortably at the top (Swapna ). Similarly, another important statistic, is comparison between the manufacturing and the service sector. Service sector in India has only been able to attract $2.34 billion of FDI in the past years. To Examine Motives of FDI Inflow in India Indian economy has made huge impact on the global economy being a huge market

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Car Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Car Insurance - Essay Example Due to the nature and dynamics of the car industry, it is faced with massive risks especially due to accidents which may occur at any time. Statistics indicate that the automobile industries faces the most number of accidents and property loss as compared to other sectors that other insurance policy covers, Laws in almost all countries forbid the driving of automobile without necessary insurance policy cover. Vehicle owners are faced by a big problem when it comes to the choice an insurance policy. Hasty policy buying often lead to wrong choices and huge loses are incurred by the insured person. According to (Malcolm 78), the first and the most important factor is the cost of the insurance cover, most insurance companies offer differing rate for a given policy. Before buying an insurance cover there is need for critical evaluation of the price. This can be done through requesting several companies to send their price quote for each car insurance cover. Cheap insurance premiums can be very deceptive, it is important that the car asks for and reads the whole insurance policy document before settling on the insurance cover policy. There are different insurance packages each covering a different set of individual protection. Some of these include; Third Party Insurance; which is a very cheap cover and protects the insured from third party risks e.g. fire and car theft. Body Injury; which pays up to certain coverage limit, injury and death to the people with the operator of the car at the time of the risk. Defense costs; which are incurred during the law suit are also covered. P roperty Damage; which pays up to a given coverage limit for the other vehicles involved in an accident in which you are legally responsible for the accident. Medical Expenses; pays for all hospital bill, doctors and funeral expenses to those injured in accidents. Uninsured And Underinsured covers all pain and suffering that are not covered by the medical cover. Collision Coverage ; covers damage for the vehicle up to a given limit, Compressive Cover; full policy that pays for up to a given specified amount for vehicle damage, vehicle loss and damage due to theft, floods, fire, vandalism, hail. It covers for all expenses regardless whose fault it was. It's a general requirement for those with car loans. Rental Reimbursements; pay up to a given specified limit, the charges for rental services when your vehicle is being repaired. Labour and towing (breakdown cover), covers for charges incurred in transporting a damaged vehicle to the garage. Delivery of oil battery and other accessorie s are covered but their actual costs aren't included (Sternberg 143) the payment method is another vital consideration which is dictated by the amount of money at hand during a given duration (Vaughan 241). Depending on the vehicle owner cash inflows, he can decide to pay insurance premiums yearly or the policy can be paid in monthly installment. Monthly installments are preferred by many but are more expensive as there in a small additional cost charged because of paying over a period (Rogers 133) Another very important factor is where the car owner lives, with the advancement of technology, insurance covers are availed online, it is however important to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bioethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bioethics - Research Paper Example This is exciting for scientists because being able to harvest these cells means that there would be ways in which organs and disorders could be fixed. However, the highest concentrations of stem cells are found in developing embryos because they are still growing and developing. There are clearly ethical parameters regarding this due to the sensitivity of the use of unborn embryos and fetuses for scientific research. This stems from the religious and political conservatives that believe that these types of matters are crossing into a domain in which humans should not have direct control over. Even though there is much opposition to stem cell research, I think that it is the future of the evolution of biomedical science. Because stem cells have no pre-existing programming and can be turned into anything, it could eliminate cancer by replacing cancer cells with healthy cells. In addition, they could be used in gene therapy to rewrite damaged code or mutated code. In order to harvest th e cells, I believe scientists should be able to take them from aborted fetuses and adults. In this way, it is not taking away the natural rights of the unborn individual and it is making use of biological material that would otherwise be discarded. Instead, it can be used to save lives.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Information Systems Auditing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Information Systems Auditing - Assignment Example ing management controls in computer systems within an IT infrastructure to determine the adequacy of the system controls and ensure compliance (Puja, 2004, p. 5). It is done through collecting and evaluating evidence to determine whether data integrity is maintained and assets are safeguarded. The use computer based information systems has been incorporated into many companies and the ability of these companies to survive entirely depends on well-structured information system audit process that points out shortcomings in the information systems usage. The human resource department of any organization or company contains more sensitive data. Human resource workers specifically the payroll employees should be able to establish the employment status of an active employee, without altering the status, while the personnel employees have the clearance from human resource administration or higher authority to activate new employees and alter their status from active to terminated service. The personnel employees have no permission in handling of timecards for employees. This clearly defined separation of tasks prevents any occurrence of fraudulent incident. In most common cases it has been reported that the payroll employees or the personnel employees process illegal paychecks to terminated employees or ghost workers either as a result of ignorance or fraud motives. Human resource management systems house databases that contain other linked company information that the payroll employees have no reason of seeing. Such information may include; data from performance evaluation, health records, and retirement benefit plan balances, and insurance cover. The central location of human resource data is subject to access monitoring enabling the capture of identity of the person logging or exiting as well as the timestamp. This ensures that company data is accessed by authorized personnel and that entry codes are changed periodically where locking mechanisms with keypads are

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Alcohol consumption Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Alcohol consumption - Literature review Example The personality factors of young people have an influence on the drinking motive. One of the reasons for motivating a young person to drink is anxiety. A person with anxiety most often has fear and feels difficulty in coping with lives. So they drink in order to ease their situation and get some relaxation. Anxiety can be due to many reasons like relationship problems, stress or illness. While drinking gives a soothing effect, the person may gain control over inner experience. According to ( Hardy,2011) In the study, which included a nationally representative sample of 34,653 American adults, 13% of the people who had consumed alcohol or drugs in the previous year said theyd done so to reduce their anxiety, fear, or panic about a situation. When people are young they have less ability to cope up with anxiety, fear and panic and hence they get motivated to consume alcohol. Social reasons are another motivation which induces alcohol consumption among young people. People across the culture drink alcohol for social or enhancement reasons as a sense of enjoyment. In many culture around people drink on festivals, rituals occasions, custom requisite and gatherings. In European and American culture drinking wine is a daily affair and youngsters get more inclined to drink alcohol at tender age. When young people gather for functions, party, festivals and on weekend they tend to join their friends who are drinking and often get motivated. So every gathering they get motivated to drink if some of the friends in the group are drinking and it slowly becomes a habit. As per Hoops( 2011, pg.135-142) â€Å"It is widely believed that peer pressure has many effects on students, particularity in the use of drugs and alcohol†. Young people also drink alcohol to enhance their personality. At young age people go through much transition on emotional and physical basis and alcohol is a way to give them emotional strength. Also young people think that drinking

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dostoevsky and Franzen Essay Example for Free

Dostoevsky and Franzen Essay Fyodor Dostoevsky is indisputably one of the greatest writers of his time, and arguably of all time. He earned this status not only by being an unmatched story teller- writing novels so gripping that they are hard to put down- but by infusing his dramas with timeless comedy, poignant social commentary, insightful psychology, and universal philosophical inquiries. His extremely in-depth character development allows for unlimited societal references that every reader can relate to. A most common feeling expressed among readers is that he puts into words what they have always thought about, but never had the words- or the sharp observation- to express. A similar feeling is created by Jonathan Franzen, whose novel, The Corrections, is a bestseller, and not only on account of its hilarious banter and piercing insight. The Corrections is widely hailed as an epic masterpiece that perfectly brings to light the problems of materialism, technology, and alienation in American culture. This is perhaps even more impressive because he is British and not American. Franzen has risen quickly to the top, and The Corrections will continue to be read for many years to come. Though their personal beliefs are entirely different, Franzen and Dostoevsky address many of the same questions regarding family. The psychological breakdown of relationships between family members is key and not only addresses psychology, but also society. Both authors utilize the family as a microcosmic representation for society, and Dostoevsky’s 1880 novel, The Brothers Karamazov, the last of Dostoyevsky’s famous and well-regarded novels, is the best example of this tactic. The Brothers Karamazov begins with a brief family history. The patriarch, Fyodor Karamazov, has three sons (Dimitri, Ivan, and Alyosha) by two different women. Fyodor, preoccupied with hedonistic debauchery, sends his sons to various relatives to be taken care of. Dimitri and Fyodor become enemies as soon as Dimitri is old enough to realize that his father not only has taken no responsibility for him, but is also withholding his inheritance left to him by his dead mother. The feud intensifies when they both fall in love with Grushenka, a woman of notoriously poor reputation. Dimitri, though vengefully abhorrent of his father, has inherited Fyodor’s taste for wine and women. Ivan, the second oldest, is a brooding intellectual, and Alyosha, the youngest, has moved to the monastery under the well-respected Father Zossima. Smerdyakov, the fourth and illegitimate son, is Fyodor’s cook. Smerdyakov is anti-social and epileptic, but loves to talk about philosophy with Ivan. Understandably, Dimitri is blamed when Smerdyakov murders Fyodor, because of the â€Å"overwhelming facts† against him. Ivan loses his mind when he realizes that he is more to blame than the innocent Dimitri, because he subconsciously encouraged, and even hoped for the murder, and Alyosha leaves the monastery on Zossima’s instructions. The Karamazovs forcefully confront the reader with the timeless questions of family. Is love entitled or earned? Are children unconditionally innocent? Are children obliged to love and respect their parents despite neglect and abuse? â€Å"Even while The Brothers Karamazov insists on the innocence of children, it also undercuts this idea, showing how children can be sinful even while they suffer†¦the tension between childhood innocence and childhood guilt is at the very heart of the novel†¦they resemble another category of natural victims, the peasants†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hruska, 472) It is not only the idea of children that is representative of a larger social construct, but nearly every character. Alyosha is the devout Christian. He believes wholeheartedly in the good of human kind and Christ. He is honest, loyal, and compassionate. He is not just a person of faith- he embodies faith. He has faith not only in God, but also in humanity. Though not representative of Dostoevsky himself, Alyosha is an extremely sympathetic character, designed to uphold the principals of faith and Christ against all opposition- and Dostoevsky’s representation of opposition is not slight, but in fact, very thorough. Ivan represents doubt and rationality. His intellectualism is both his strength and his eventual downfall. Though brilliant, it is precisely his doubt that drives him to madness. He is a respectable character, but he is ultimately unsuccessful, exhibiting Dostoevsky’s view on where the path of doubt leads. Fyodor Pavlovich is obviously deplorable and pathetic. He is selfish and greedy. He seeks nothing but pleasure at all costs and is completely uncaring, except, presumably, for Grushenka. He believes that his recognition of his own disgraceful behavior frees him not from outside condemnation, but from true inferiority. His illegitimate son, Smerdyakov, becomes the manifestation of all that is impure in Fyodor. The Lambert family in The Corrections, though lacking in murderous rivalry and unbridled sensuality, is equally disturbing, if only because of its realism. â€Å"We are talking about the family values of the House of Atreus, the Brothers Karamazov, the Mafia, and the Manson Gang. † (Leonard, 6) While Alfred loses his body and mind to Parkinson’s, his wife, Enid, tries desperately to reunite the family for Christmas. The oldest, Gary, is well off and living with his own wife and children in an affluent area of Philadelphia. Denise, the middle child, is a successful and beautiful young chef. Chip is a failed screenplay writer, a failed boyfriend, a failed professor, and a failed son. The Corrections, then, addresses not only the gap between generations, but also the grasp of one on the other. The flyaway children who feel themselves wronged return like boomerangs to the parents whose business it has always been to stamp out errancy†¦ (Leonard, 9) Both Dostoevsky and Franzen push the reader’s limit for sympathy with their extremely flawed, but perhaps forgivable characters. The reader is forced to examine the limits of redemption from greed and â€Å"base† behavior, both in society and in the family. In both novels, the reader is ultimately compelled to forgive any sin where repentance is present. In The Brothers Karamazov, for example, it is easier to forgive Dimitri’s aggression and lies because of his genuine sincerity, while his father, a victim of cold blooded murder, does not evoke the slightest feelings of sympathy, aside, maybe, from sheer pity. In The Corrections, Chip is likable despite his follies not only because of his self-deprecation, but because he has moral principals. Contrary to his brother, Gary, who has a wife, children, and a steady job, but a very capitalistic mindset and a depressed, numb state of living. Denise is a competitive workaholic but is genuinely confused, and the reader his hoping for her salvation because she is so desperately isolated. The novel shifts from a condemnation of the contemporary American materialism to the possibility of family (and, by implication, human) forgiveness. The narrative has been dallying with philosophical questions, but now it lingers†¦I cannot say whether Franzen could have pulled off this miraculous redemption of his story had he not so cruelly set up his Lamberts as crass sinners, but I was sorry it took him so long to acknowledge their capacity for decency†¦(Sayers 23) Perhaps the biggest difference between these two novels is the philosophical dissonance between Dostoevsky and Franzen. While Dostoevsky’s characters clearly represent specific and largely unchanging ideals, Franzen’s creations are muddled and confused. They resemble a deer in the headlights of post-modern America, racing inside, but paralyzed by the chaos of the situation, and unable to move in either direction. Interestingly, though Dostoevksy was a staunch advocate of deep faith while fairly exploring doubt, his ultimate message when is comes to family is far less optimistic than the obviously anti-religious Franzen. This is perhaps dependent on the opposing characters’ abilities to change. Since Dostoevsky’s characters remain of largely the same beliefs and convictions throughout and in spite of their life-changing experiences, they are incapable of true metamorphosis. Franzen’s initially detestable Lambert family is eventually redeemed by each character’s inner-changes, which leads ultimately to a realistically cynical, but still heart-warming loyalty to one-another. The only character who doesn’t change for the better is Alfred, who simply loses his mind, and though the reader is respectful of his work ethic, he is obviously the yoke of the family, whose death is seen as ultimately positive for his wife and children. There is a sense of triumph by the end of the novel, when Enid, who initially looked like an idiot compared to Alfred, is really just in need of independence, and proves to be a lot smarter than she seems. If anyone in The Corrections is radically transformed—and all of them are turned like sucklings on a spit— its Enid at age seventy-five. When Alfred at last is safely dead, she puts on her sudden freedom like a jaunty hat. (Leonard, 8) When the charismatic and brilliant defense attorney asserts the child’s right to demand proof that he should love his father, the audience wholeheartedly approves and supports him, even so far as to applaud despite the judge. The audience, like a Shakespearean chorus, representing the author’s prediction of the reader’s reaction, is totally in favor of Dimitri’s salvation despite full knowledge of past offenses. The reader blames his father for raising a violent deviant. Franzen, on the other hand, provokes a feeling of pity for Enid that makes the reader want to scold her children, understandably irritated though they may be, for not treating their mother with more kindness. The result is a surprising one. Franzen, the postmodern critic of just about everything, takes the route of sympathy and even optimism. His characters change for the better in a very real way. They don’t proclaim that they have decided to devote themselves to God, they have no fear of damnation, they just genuinely have tried and succeeded in improving their relationships. Dostoevsky is focused much more on religion, for a variety of justifiable reasons, but his characters are less fluid. Though each of his characters transforms throughout the novel, it is only by way of rigorous philosophical inquiry. Franzen’s characters, on the other hand, are merely growing up. Enid does not plan to improve her life when her husband dies- she just does. It is a natural progression as opposed to a constant battle fought with violent imagery and empty threats. Franzen frees his characters from every limit set by Dostoevsky- especially God and the fear of moral judgment. The result is not a depressing tale of a family who does not feel an obligated loyalty to one another. On the contrary, the Lambert family transforms only for love. They are not motivated by religion or society. They simply learn to love one another for no other reason than their shared DNA. This is far more optimistic than the picture of a family according to Dostoevsky, because it is universally attainable. SOURCES Hruska, Anne. The Sins of Children in the Brothers Karamazov. Christianity and Literature 54 (2005): 471-495. Parenthetical Citation Leonard, John. Nuclear Fission. Rev. of The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen. New York Review of Books 20 Sept. 2001. Parenthetical Citation Polka, Brayton. Psychology and Theology in the Brothers Karamazov. Journal of Literature and Theology 5 (1991): 1-24. Parenthetical Citation Sayers, Valerie. Caffeinated Realism. Commonweal 21 Dec. 2001: 23-24. Parenthetical Citation

Friday, September 20, 2019

Path loss determination using Hata model

Path loss determination using Hata model CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Path loss is the degradation in received power of an Electromagnetic signal when it propagates through space. Path loss is due to several effects such as free space path loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, coupling and cable loss, and absorption. Path loss depends on several factors such as type of propagation environments, distance between transmitter and receiver, height and location of antennas. Also the signal from the transmitting antenna may take multiple paths (multipath) to reach the receiving side, which results in either increase or decrease of received signal level depending on the constructive or destructive interference of the multipath waves. Path loss is usually expressed in decibels (db), as this method gives us an easy and consistent method to compare the signal levels at various points. Where Lp is the path loss i.e. the ratio of power of received signal to that of transmitted. Propagation models are used extensively in network planning, particularly for conducting feasibility studies and during initial deployment. They are also very useful for performing interference studies as the deployment proceeds. Numerous Experiments have been carried out all around the world, for checking the applicability of suitable path loss models in mobile communications specific scenario. In those experiments radio engineers carried out signal strength measurement for a specific area and compared the observed output with that of predicted outputs from different widely accepted propagation models so as to find out which model best predict the path loss for the given scenario. Also, some fine tuning for that model are done based on the difference. Many propagation models are available for path loss predictions. Deterministic models are based on the laws of electromagnetic wave propagation and produce accurate predictions of the path loss, however they take high computational effort and require detailed and accurate description of all objects in the propagation path .Free space Model, and Plane Earth model, are easier deterministic propagation methods. Empirical models are based on extensive collection of data for specific case. They are not accurate but predict the most likely behavior the link may exhibit under specific conditions. Okumura carried out a lot of field strength measurements in Tokyo, Japan with varying terrain, frequency antenna height and transmitted power. It states that, the signal strength decreases at much greater rate with distance than that predicted by free space loss .An empirical formula based on Okumuras results has been developed by Hata in order to make the propagation loss prediction easy to apply .Hata gave no of path loss models for urban, suburban and open areas, often called Okamura-Hata model. The European Co-operative for Scientific and Technical Research (COST) extended the Hata model to be valid for PCS(personal communication System) Operating at 1800- 2000 MHz, which is named COST 231 Hata model .The European research group also developed an another model taking Diffraction effect into consideration, which is COST 231 Walfish Ikegami model. Actually, this model is a semi-deterministic model as the path loss calculations is made by combining empirical models with deterministi c techniques [4].wave propagation models for planning of mobile communication network. Theres a North American model called Lees model named after W.C.Y. Lee, which is characterized by two parameters, power at a mile and path loss exponent. Kathmandu is the capital city of our country Nepal with more than 1 million inhabitants. GSM Mobile launched by Nepal Telecom reached almost a decade now with total 3.5 million subscribers, and 1.5 million solely in Kathmandu. With such increase in no. of subscribers, the no of BTS has gone up to 1500 in whole Nepal. Operating with both the frequency 900 and 1800 MHz, there are nearly 500 BTS (BS) in Kathmandu only. With such increase in the no. of Bs in Kathmandu valley due to the growth in No of subscribers, proper planning methods are needed for placing BTS for acceptable field strength and Interference level in the coverage area. Also the Coverage holes are needed to be filled with proper planning. This Planning Requires appropriate propagation models that best predicts the path loss for our specific environment. In this project, the feasibility analysis and fine tuning of Hata and Cost 231 Hata model has been done for propagation environments in Kathmandu. Taking three different areas of Kathmandu namely: Core city area, Ring-road area and Remote areas and five locations are selected for each of the terrain types and Field Strength Measurements offers a better means to understand what path loss model to use in certain propagation environments. Field strength measurements were conducted on the existing GSM 900 MHz Network of Nepal Telecom on the locations of interest. MOTIVATION The demand for increasing mobile subscribers needs efficient extension of a cellular network. For GSM like technology, there is additional complexity in making efficient Allocation of Base Stations and frequency planning. For this, proper path loss models should be used for coverage prediction and interference analysis. Much of the popular path loss models by renowned RF engineers are based on the observation data taken on their own country. So there is need of fine tuning of such model for applicability in our area. To my knowledge, there has not been any published work regarding such models feasibility analysis and modifications.This provides the impetus for this project to make an analysis of the observed data and necessary modification in Hata and Cost 231 Hata model for Kathmandu. Also, the proposed re-farming of 900 MHz frequency spectrum for Future Generation of Mobile Communications provides another drive for this project. It is obvious that use of less frequency yields large coverage area than higher frequencies. Hence, for future generation mobile, Scientist have conceived of making use of 900 MHz spectrum and together with use of newer technologies, they could make efficient utilization of this spectrum. APPLICATIONS This project can be used in realistic planning of GSM networks, with the predicted path loss in Kathmandu. For capacity enhancements of the network, GSM Engineers can use the path loss prediction models for intelligent placement of BTSs with certain antenna height and power. Path loss also facilitates Link budget analysis and Design in a telecommunication system. In a GSM like Cellular network, Path loss is used for Frequency Re-use distance estimates so as to properly space the channels in Base stations (BS). Actual Frequency assignment plans for the Base Stations are also facilitated by the use of path loss. Better Coverage predictions and interference reduction is what planning engineers get by using better path loss model. CHAPTER-2 PATH LOSS MODELS In this chapter, description of various Path Loss model will be discussed. The model characteristics, along with mathematical formulae, will be shown that is useful for further calculations, analysis in this project. In addition, three kinds of dependency factors of path loss will be noted that will be analyzed later. FREE SPACE PATH LOSS This model is the most simple and primitive path loss model where the influence of all objects and obstacles in the propagation environment is ignored. Here, the Received signal is inversely proportional to the square of distance between the transmitter and receiver. So, the free space Path loss is given by As Decibel (db) method gives us easy and consistent method to observe and analyze the signal levels at various points, the free space path loss can also be expressed in logarithmic format as OKAMURA MODEL This model is a RF propagation model that was developed based on the data collected in the Tokyo city, Japan. The model served as a base for all other empirical propagation models. In this model, the propagation area is divided into terrain categories: open area, suburban area, and urban area. Urban area is used as a reference area and Correction factors are applied in it to calculate the path loss for other terrains. HATA MODEL It is also known as the Okumura-Hata model for being a advanced version of the Okumura Model, is the most widely used model in radio frequency propagation for predicting the behavior of cellular transmissions in city outskirts and other rural areas. This model incorporates the graphical information from Okumura model and develops it further to better suit the need . Hata Model predicts the total path loss along a link of terrestrial microwave or other type of cellular communications. Operating frequency, Base Station Antenna height. This model is suited for both point-to-point and broadcast transmissions. COST 231 HATA MODEL It is also called the Hata Model DCS Extension, which is a RF propagation model that extends the Hata Model to cover a more range of frequencies. Also, this model is applicable to Open, Suburban and Urban Areas . PATH LOSS DEPENDENCY FACTORS Path loss usually depends on operating frequency, Base station Antenna Height, and distance of the Mobile stations (MS) from the Base Station (BS). For each of the popular empirical models discussed above, those dependency factors are observed separately and lastly combined together to give a formula for that path loss model. PATH LOSS EXPONENT We know that received signal at a distance from a BS or a transmitter is inversely proportional to some power of the distance, i.e. farther we go from the BS or transmitter, the received level will degrade by some factor. CHAPTER-3 For empirical models, Field strength measurements gives an easy and better way for feasibility analysis and fine tuning of the models for certain propagation environments. In our case, I intend to check the applicability and the modification of Hata and Cost 231 Hata model for propagation environments in Kathmandu. Three different terrains are taken into consideration, namely: Core city area, Ring-Road area, and remote area. Field strength measurements are carried out in fifteen different locations, where five of them belong to one terrain types. Location of BS, Transmitted power, antenna height is taken for the areas of interest in Kathmandu. Field strength measurements were conducted on the existing GSM network of Nepal Telecom and the receiver used was TEMS tool with a mobile set. DRIVE TESTING USING TEMS TEMS is an air interface test tool for real time diagnostic of different parameters for RF optimization. Also, all the data can be saved for later analysis. It consists of a laptop with TEMS software, a mobile set with a connector, GPS for location, and a hardware lock key. As for this project, only the received level is concerned, so the received level is noted as we drive farther from a BS. Above Figure shows the trail of the drive test path through a vehicle, in the location of interest. Here, the distance of a sample point in the trail can easily be noted using a scale in the map. Before performing drive test in all of those sites, proper Information regarding Site locations, their Carrier Frequencies, BS antenna Height, power transmitted from the BS are taken and used in the data collection and Calculations part. ASSUMPTIONS In this project, several assumptions are considered to ease data collection and analysis phase, which are listed as: Though the signal strength measurements are done for different BS with different Carriers (ARFCN), operating frequency is taken to be fixed at 900MHz. The effective power radiated from the BS is taken to be fixed at 50 dbm. Also height of mobile () taken to be fixed at 1.5 meters as the data is measured through TEMS inside a vehicle. Core city area, Ring-road Area and Remote areas in Kathmandu are assumed to be Urban, Sub-urban and Rural area respectively for simplification in analysis and comparison. If that assumption gives different result, then it can be rectified easily based on the integrated analysis of the path loss plot vs distance. MEASURED PATH LOSS For each of the propagation environments which have been selected and drive tested for data collection, the path loss can easily be calculated using the formula: So, Path loss can easily be observed from the collected data, to be increasing as we go farther from the BS. Data Collected for Fifteen different Locations can also be shown in tabular format as: PATH LOSS FROM MODELS After the observation of measured path loss in the propagation environments in Kathmandu, we need to calculate the path loss from the formula for the two models Hata and COST 231 Hata Model, with the distance d of MS from Bs in km, Frequency f in MHz, BS height hb in meters, Antenna height in meters taken from the actual scenario. Calculations are done using Excel sheet and the data are shown as: PATH LOSS PLOTS: As we get all the measured data and predicted data from the two models, the average data of path loss as shown in the table below are plotted with the increasing distance d of MS from BS as shown in the graph below for each propagation environments. COMPARISION AND ANALYSIS From the above plot for each propagation environments, comparing the average path loss values with that of Hata and COST 231 Hata model plot gives the result that Hata model best fits the propagation characteristics in Core city area and Ring-road area whereas the COST 231 model best predicts the propagation characteristics in Remote area. Also the Minimum Square Error (MSE)calculated for each of the model is within acceptable limits, which can be calculated using the formula: From the MSE analysis also, I find that Hata model best fits the Kathmandu Core city area and is also suitable for Kathmandu Ring-road Area. Whereas in the case of Kathmandu Remote Area, Cost 231 Hata model best predicts the path loss characteristics. FINE TUNING OF THE BEST FIT MODEL Due to the least and acceptable MSE in both Ring road area and remote area, the best fit models need not be modified for such propagation environments in Kathmandu. Solely based on the Minimum Square Error in path loss, the Best fit model for Core city area in Kathmandu i.e. Hata model can be modified accordingly. This formula is the modified version of the Path loss in urban area as given by Hata model for application in Kathmandu. CHAPTER-4 RESULTS By the comparison of the actual path loss with that of the predicted path loss from the two models Hata and COST 231 Hata model, and integrated analysis of all the plots, the feasibility analysis of the two models for three different propagation environments in Kathmandu is done. From which we get, Hata model is not feasible for the application in remote area due to much high minimum square error. Also the Hata model best fits the core city area in Kathmandu with MSE slightly greater than the acceptable limits as given by [6]. So the new modified Hata model is given based on the MSE. And for Ring-road area both model is applicable but the COST 231 Hata Model best fits it due to least MSE. CONCLUSION In this project, the popular empirical path loss models for mobile communications are studied. Among them two models, Hata and COST 231 Hata model is compared with actual path loss in three different propagation environments in Kathmandu, for applicability in macro-cellular Base Stations (BS). Comparison and Analysis of the integrated plot of the path loss from two models and actual path loss in those environments, along with mathematical calculations gave us the result. And the best fit model based on MSE calculations is either modified or left as it is, for those three propagation environments in Kathmandu. Also the assumptions for the three areas are consistent with the actual model which made the analysis and comparison easy. The choice of which model to use actually depends on the terrain type and the surrounding environments and objects around it, the selection of that model in planning a mobile communication network will give the best result and better network is what will be the output. So, Service providers must use efficient planning tools to better model their propagation environments along with the best predicted path loss. Hence, this project is useful for such realistic planning for GSM 900 MHz in Kathmandu. Further enhancements in this project can yield similar results for future mobile technologies and other spectrum too. PROBLEMS / LIMITATIONS: The receiver used for this project is a mobile set which has a sensitivity of -105 dbm. Hence, during field strength measurement, I can only measure signals up to 600m from the Base station in core city area. If there was separate equipment for signal measurement, it would have yield much better result, maybe thats the reason why there is much difference between the measured and predicted value due to lesser no of sample points. Also, Effective power radiated from the antenna is assumed to be 50 dbm, (same for all BS) due to unavaibility of measuring actual power radiated from the antenna and the losses in the RF cables and connectors. Also the antenna azimuth and down tilt not taken into consideration and sometimes, the measurement of received signal is done in locations that may be outside of the main lobe of the antenna radiation, i.e. outside of the half-power beam width (HPBW). FUTURE WORK: This work can be extended to apply for other mobile technologies in other frequency spectrum such as 1800 MHz DCS, 2100 MHz WCDMA. Also high sensitive field strength measurements tools can be used for future generation Mobile technologies for better result. As this project only dealt with the selection and modification of Path loss models for applicability in Kathmandu areas, the result of this project can be used for interference estimation and frequency assignment planning for new network or extension of existing network. REFERENCES Z. Nadir, N. Elfadhil, F. Touati, Pathloss Determination Using Okumura-Hata Model And Spline Interpolation For MissingData For Oman, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol I WCE 2008, July 2 4, 2008, London, U.K. Popescu, al., Applications of neural networks to the prediction of propagationpath loss for mobile communications systems, Applied Electromagnetism, 2000. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Trans Black Sea Region, 2000. K.Ayyappan et. al., Propagation Model for highway in Mobile Communication System, from F.M. Landstorfer, Wave Propagation Model for the Planning of Mobile Communication Network, from /GAAS_99_065.pdf J. Wu and D. Yuan, Propagation Measurements and Modeling in Jinan City, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Boston, MA, USA, Vol. 3. M. Hata, Empirical Formula for Propagation Loss in Land Mobile Radio Services, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol, VT-29, No, 3, 1980. P K DALELA, et al., A New Method of Realistic GSM Network planning for Rural Indian Terrains, IJCSNS International 370 Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.8 No.8, August 2008 V.S. Abhayawardhana, et al., Comparison of Empirical Propagation Path Loss Models for Fixed Wireless Access Systems, from research/dtg/lce-pub/public/vsa23/VTC05_Empirical.pdf

Thursday, September 19, 2019

sure :: essays research papers

George W. Bush’s decision to make his first overseas trip to Mexico, in mid-February, has generated a great deal of speculation about what this could possibly mean for changes in U.S. policy toward Latin America over the next four years. It is clear that Mexico is vastly more familiar and comfortable for Bush than any other foreign country. In light of the questions raised about the former Texas governor’s foreign policy experience and competence during the campaign, it is hardly surprising that he would look first to the country immediately south of the Rio Grande to show he is up to the job. Bush could be tempted to explore some initiative that would symbolize the â€Å"special relationship† he is seeking with Mexico. This would naturally mean responding in some fashion to Mexican President Vicente Fox’s bold proposals on the two most contentious issues in the bilateral relationship: drugs and immigration. During the U.S. presidential campaign, both Bush and Gore seemed to be caught off guard by Fox’s audacity. They had presumably wanted greater democracy in Mexico, but were not prepared to deal with such an independent leader who defied all of the conventions in U.S.-Mexico relations. The triumph of the first opposition figure to defeat what Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa had once described as â€Å"the perfect dictatorship† gave the initiative to Mexico in forging a more constructive partnership with the United States. It will not be easy to take full advantage of the opportunity afforded by the beginning of both the Mexican and U.S. administrations. Fox is likely to encounter some resistance within Mexico to the notion of deepening ties with the United States even further. In trying to serve as an interlocutor for the rest of Latin America with the United States, he will face a tough balancing act. How will Mexico retain its Latin American identity—and its credibility on an array of hemispheric questions—as it moves closer to the United States? Mexico, after all, played a key role in facilitating political settlements to the Central American conflicts in the 1980s and 1990s. Particularly in view of Fox’s rather bold and promising gestures aimed at resolving the conflict between the Mexican government and the Zapatistas in Chiapas, the Mexican leader may well want to become active in trying to find a peaceful settlement to the decades-long conflict in Colombia. Mexico’s heightened visibility on Colombia and other hemispheric questions could put some strain on its â€Å"special relationship† with the United States, whose $1.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Graduation speech :: essays research papers

Hello and welcome†¦.. As a matter of formality I would like to introduce myself. My name is Bruce Richard and it gives me great pleasure to address you all today at Valencia High School. Thank you very much for this unique and rewarding opportunity. It is one I will never forget. I regard this as rewarding and memorable because I am being asked to recount my high school experiences and the impact they have had on me. This is particularly valuable in that I can retain this as a permanent record to look back and reflect upon in the future. As I look back in retrospect and ask myself if I always tried as hard as I could, I am left with the fact that maybe I didn’t put my entire effort into all my studies and take full advantage of the free education I was offered. As I recall, the subjects that most interested me, such as science and the hands on approach, tended to sustain my level of interest and motivation. On the other hand, subjects such as government and others were harder to stay focused on for some reason. I am certain that most students have the same experience. I guess some things just require us to buckle down a little more in order to really learn.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Brief Pause) I am truly proud of the fact that I shared in the successes of the school as I was part of the drama class for four years and helped us win 5th place amongst 60 schools for the â€Å"Taming of the Shrew†. I played varsity football in my senior year where we had a great 9-2 season. As I go on to Fullerton, I only wish I had stuck to my intentions of playing all four years, instead of being influenced by other people, particularly the opposite sex. I have learned that it is important to stick to your convictions if you feel as strongly about them as I did. When I was part of the cross country team in my sophomore and junior years I did quite well and always gave it my all, learning the value of struggling to achieve by discovering more about myself and my abilities. The part of me I never thought existed gave me the confidence to know that anything can be accomplished with the right determination and desire. I am committed to succeed and looking forward to playing football at Fu llerton. Graduation speech :: essays research papers Hello and welcome†¦.. As a matter of formality I would like to introduce myself. My name is Bruce Richard and it gives me great pleasure to address you all today at Valencia High School. Thank you very much for this unique and rewarding opportunity. It is one I will never forget. I regard this as rewarding and memorable because I am being asked to recount my high school experiences and the impact they have had on me. This is particularly valuable in that I can retain this as a permanent record to look back and reflect upon in the future. As I look back in retrospect and ask myself if I always tried as hard as I could, I am left with the fact that maybe I didn’t put my entire effort into all my studies and take full advantage of the free education I was offered. As I recall, the subjects that most interested me, such as science and the hands on approach, tended to sustain my level of interest and motivation. On the other hand, subjects such as government and others were harder to stay focused on for some reason. I am certain that most students have the same experience. I guess some things just require us to buckle down a little more in order to really learn.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Brief Pause) I am truly proud of the fact that I shared in the successes of the school as I was part of the drama class for four years and helped us win 5th place amongst 60 schools for the â€Å"Taming of the Shrew†. I played varsity football in my senior year where we had a great 9-2 season. As I go on to Fullerton, I only wish I had stuck to my intentions of playing all four years, instead of being influenced by other people, particularly the opposite sex. I have learned that it is important to stick to your convictions if you feel as strongly about them as I did. When I was part of the cross country team in my sophomore and junior years I did quite well and always gave it my all, learning the value of struggling to achieve by discovering more about myself and my abilities. The part of me I never thought existed gave me the confidence to know that anything can be accomplished with the right determination and desire. I am committed to succeed and looking forward to playing football at Fu llerton.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Effects of Advertising on Children Essay

Overall view on advertisingAdvertising is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to purchase their products. This communication is usually through various forms of paid media — TV and radio commercials, print ads, billboards and more recently, product placement. Ads are placed where advertisers believe they will reach the largest, most relevant audience. Commercial businesses use advertising to drive the consumption of their product, while non-profit organizations may place ads to raise awareness or encourage a change in behavior or perception. Advertising is the form of communication by fresh ways that the ad-filmmakers used to encourage, persuade or entice the consumers to buy their products. If an advertisement for a product attracts the consumers, they tend to purchase it frequently or at least give it a try. If a company has to survive in this competitive world, it has to project the image of its products in such a way that, they pick up the maximum sales. Nowadays, advertising plays an important role in the society, and since children form the major parts of the target group for advertisers, many advertisements focused on children are a proof of this fact. Today, children are watching more television than years ago, and thus viewing more advertisings. Many books have been written and many studies and reports done on the effects of TV advertising on children. In this presentation, we will look at some different positive and negative effects of TV advertisement on children, and give some suggestions as a solution to lim it negative effects of advertising on children. I. Positive effects of advertising on children – Advertising makes the kids aware of the new products available in the market. It increases their knowledge about the latest innovations in the field of technology. – Alive and flashy images with short messages like a motto, and charming models stimulate children’s imagination and their intelligence. – Certain advertisements, with strong messages motivate the kids in chasing their future prospects such as becoming a doctor, scientist or an engineer. They generate the passion in children, regarding their future and makes them realize the importance of education. – Some advertisements inculcate good habits in children, as all the toothpaste companies create strong awareness regarding dental hygiene in kids. II. Negative effects of advertising on children -Children may make excessive demands on their parents for the products they see in the advertisements. At times, they cry, pinch, pull and will not keep quiet till the parents purchase the product. Some parents who cannot control their children may fall in anger with them. -Junk food advertisements influence children greatly, leading to an increased demand for junk food by children. When children watch young adults eating junk foods in the advertisements they assume that it is good for the health. They are unaware of the fact that junk food does not contain nutritional value. They may even think that by eating these junk foods they might become like the thin and fit models in the advertisements. These unhealthy eating habits lead to diseases, such as obesity, heart diseases, high-blooded pressure. It even influences the way the kids think about the actual taste of food. – Children often tend to misinterpret the messages conveyed in commercial advertisments. They end up having wrong believes about many problems. Sometimes, they imitate the acts of models in the ad-films. For example, they can try smoking, drinking wine or beer. – As more and more advertisments are becoming animated, children are unable to understand the difference between real world and fantasy. They tend to have difficulties in doing tasks such as solving puzzles and reading. III. Solutions to limit negative effects of advertising on children – Parents play a major role in this case. Parents should teach their children of how to be critical of ads and how to become less influenced by the messages in the ads. Parents need to teach their children the importance and value of money. – Parents also need to instill good habits and help children to differentiate between right and wrong – Parents should limit the time of watching television of their children and spend more time playing with them or organize more outdoor activities for them. – Solutions from government: A few countries have banned marketing and advertising targeted at children below the age of twelve. One country has banned advertising of toys before 10 p.m. as it is at this time that children are mostly awake. Previously advertisers marketed children’s products towards parents. Parents were their target audience for these products. But nowadays, marketers aim their messages directly at children. Advertisements are made specifically in such a way that they draw the attention of children. The marketing messages are aimed directly at the children. – Advertisers on the other hand, can also try to put their message across creatively and target the entire family rather than just children. With a balanced approach, the negative effects of advertising can surely be controlled. I.Overall view of advertising 1. What is the advertising? – A form of marketing. – A method of mass promotion. – Purposes of advertising: + To introduce new products + To persuade the audience to purchase the product. + To cultivate brand identity 2. How does the advertising affect to people’s mind? – By the language – By the design – By the image and music II. Positive effects of advertising on children – Making the kids aware of the new products available in the market. – Stimulating children’s imagination and their intelligence. – Generating the passion in children and making them realize the importance of education. – Inculcating good habits in children. III. Negative effects of advertising on children -Making excessive demands on their parents for the products in the advertisements. – Increasing demand for junk food in children. – Misinterpreting the messages conveyed in commercial advertisments and imitating the acts of models. – Hardly differentiating the difference between real world and fantasy in the ads. III. Solutions to limit negative effects of advertising on children – Solutions from parents: +Teaching their children of how to be critical of ads and how to become less influenced by the messages in the ads and the importance and value of money. +Instilling good habits and helping children to differentiate between right and wrong. +Limit the time of watching television of their children and spending more time being with them. – Solutions from government: + Banning marketing and advertising targeted at children (related to time and the age of children) + Asking advertisers to target their messages to the entire family rather than just children. Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people say that advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one. Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words. Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people say that advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one. Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words. Of Course for several reasons: firstly, it motivates the psychological point in everyone, especially women. They will run to buy this advertised product especially if it’s from cosmetic roof, just to show their beauty to men, which will lead to more offender and raped cases. Secondly, you can sit comfortably with your family and suddenly the telephone is ringing, but it’s nothing important, it’s just another company try to convince you to buy one of their products. It is a real intrusive example of advertisement. Lastly, sometimes you do not have the financial ability to buy something, but with these new methods of advertisement, you will run to buy it, which will affect your budget. On the other hand, there are some good sides to advertising. For instance, it compares the prices of many companies which benefitthe consumer. Besides, it really opens our vision to see more products which we do not knowit unless the TV or Radio advertised them. In addition to, it breaks our daily routine and allows us to see new faces and learn the language better with the help of the daily updates they deliver through advertisement. In conclusion, as we can see there are many aspects to this essay. I feel that we gain no benefits at all from advertisement, it playson minds of people buy more things that they do not need it at all. Advertisements are all around us, and they vary greatly in their attempts to attract consumers. Some ads highlight the product’s features, while other ads’ content seems to be completely unrelated to the product they’re trying to sell. It’s the latter type of ads that shoppers need to be most wary of, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and George Washington University focused on two different types of advertisements. The first type of ad, called â€Å"logical persuasion,† or LP, presents facts about the product, such as, â€Å"This car gets 42 miles to the gallon.† The second type of ad is referred to as â€Å"nonrational influence† (NI) because it circumvents consumers’ conscious awareness by depicting a fun, vague or sexy scene that seems to have nothing to do with the product. In the study, researchers showed advertising images to 11 women and 13 men while recording the electrical activity in their brains using electroencephalography (EEG). Each participant viewed 24 ads that had appeared in magazines and newspapers. The ads contained either LP or NI images. LP ads showed a table of facts and figures in a cigarette ad and suggestions about selecting food for dogs on the basis of their activity level in an ad for pet food. The NI advertisements included a liquor ad featuring an image of beading water and a cigarette ad showing a woman leapfrogging over a fire hydrant that is spraying water as a man grins behind her. The researchers found that the brain regions involved in decision-making and emotional processing (including the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate regions, the amygdala, and the hippocampus) experienced significantly higher activity levels when participants looked at the LP ads. These brain regions have been shown to help inhibit a person’s response to certain stimuli, such as preventing an impulse purchase. When participants viewed the NI advertisements, however, these regions of the brain did not show activity levels that were as high as what the individuals experienced when they viewed the LP ads. â€Å"Watch your brain and watch your wallet,† study researcher Ian Cook, a professor of psychiatry at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA, said in a statement. â€Å"These results suggest that the lower levels of brain activity from ads employing NI images could lead to less behavioral inhibition, which could translate to less restraint when it comes to buying products depicted in the NI advertisements.† The study is published in the current edition of the Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Food security Essay

The role of urban agriculture in food security and healthy nutrition is probably the most important asset. Production of food in cities is in many cases a response of the urban poor to inadequate, unreliable and irregular access to food, and the lack of purchasing power. Urban agriculture, to a large extent, complements rural agriculture and increases the efficiency of the national food system in that it provides products that rural agriculture cannot supply easily. For instance perishable products that require rapid delivery upon harvest can be produced in cities where facilities are readily available. Environmental Urban agriculture has helped a lot in maintaining the environment that has been depleted so much. This can happen in several ways. For instance farmers use waste water for irrigational purposes in their farms. However farmers need to be trained in self protection during handling of the waste water, proper crop selection and adequate irrigation methods, among many other things. Farming in urban areas means rehabilitating the already depleted lands in the urban areas. By doing this, the farmers are able to help save the environment that has been wasted by pollution (DeWalt, 1985). 4. Case study, Washington D. C Urban agriculture was part of an historical welfare system during the 18th and 19th centuries in Washington D. C. Urban residents had access to areas of urban agriculture land that was distributed to meet the needs of urban inhabitants and all the people who lived in Washington D. C. Individuals who lived in and around the city had adequate land to practice urban agriculture (Ross, 2007). The history of urban agriculture in Washington was mainly meant to help reduce the number of poverty cases in the city (Ross, 2003). The growth and development of allowance gardens in Washington during the 20th century was in similar ways objectively aiming at supporting urban working class families and individuals. The problem today aims in the same direction, where growth and development of urban agriculture in Washington, more especially in low income areas, relates to problems of food quality, social welfare and public health. Nevertheless, urban agriculture in Washington today is made up of an increasing urban demand for organic local food production, particularly among the urban middle societies. Historically in Washington, a small number of upper class urban residents had access to very large areas of land (Ross, 2000). This group was not producing for self-support in first hand, but had the requirements of selling part of their locally produced harvest, as food was difficult to transport. Urban agriculture in Washington has thus had many functions of social welfare and commercial activity. Interesting historical lessons and comparisons can be made as we discuss the function and role of urban agriculture in Washington today (Ross, 1978). 5. Challenges and implementation Urban agriculture has faced a lot of challenges despite its many positive impacts. The use of waste water for irrigation without careful treatment and monitoring can result in the spread of diseases among the population. This has been a challenge to the urban agriculture and it has reduced the attitude of the urban residents towards the food products from urban farmers. Cultivation of food crops on contaminated land can cause health hazards for the consumers (Bell, 1998). This has led to decrease in demand of the urban agricultural products and it is the whole concept that lacks the benefits that it deserves. The cultivation of food crops and the rearing of animals along road sides facilitate the distribution of products to local markets. However, this poses some health risks since it exposes foods to a number of pollutants such as car emissions. It is evident that urbanization and agriculture are very incompatible. There has been stiff competition for the urban agriculture, for labor and resources, and it is unfortunate most individuals prefer to work in an industry or firms than to work in farms. This has led to poor labor as a factor of production and what results is the poor output in the food production. The practice of urban agriculture has been criticized by those who believe in industrial food production. The critics argue that food can be produced at larger volumes and perfect quality in a more efficient and sustainable way. This criticism has led to many people lacking trust in the urban agricultural products (Bell, 1998). The only mean of implementing the methods of urban agriculture will be through educating the public about the importance of embracing the culture. Addressing issues on genetic applications in food production will be important in acceptance of the novel technologies by the public. The companies applying advanced technologies in agriculture should not hide anything from the farmers (Clark, 1999).Water treatments systems should be improved to ensure that water used for agricultural food production is safe for human health. Reference: Amin, S. (2002). Africa: Living on the Fringe. Monthly Review (March), pp. 41-50. Retrieved May 4, 2010 from, http://polisci. osu. edu/faculty/mcooper/ps597readings/Amin. pdf Bell, J. (1998). A Greener Than Green Revolution? Seedling (Newsletter of GRAIN Retrieved May 3, 2010 from, http://www. grain. org/publications/dec982-en. cfm Bruno, K. (1992). The Corporate capture of the Earth Summit. Retrieved May 3, 2010 from http://multinationalmonitor. org/hyper/issues/1992/07/mm0792 07. html Clark, E. (1999). Ten Reasons Why Farmers Should Think Twice Before Growing GE Crops. Retrieved May 4, 2010 from, http://www. plant. uoguelph. ca/research/homepages/eclark/10reasons. htm DeWalt, B. (1985). Mexico’s Second Green Revolution: Food for Feed. Mexican Studies / Estudios Mexicanos, 1(1):29-60. FAO. (n. d). Overall strategic framework. Retrieved May 4, 2010, from http://www. fao. org/docrep/X3550e/x3550e03. htm Feder, E. (1970). Counterreform. In Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Agrarian Problems and Peasant Movements in Latin America. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. Retrieved May 4, 2010 from, http://www. ditext. com/feder/counterreform. html Langevin, M & Rosset, P. (1997). Land Reform from Below: The Landless Workers Movement in Brazil. Retrieved May 4, 2010 from, http://www. mstbrazil. org/rosset. html Martine, G. , Guzman, J. M. , & Schensul, D. (2008). The Growing Food Crisis: Demographic Perspectives and Conditioners. Retrieved May 4th, 2010 from http://km. fao. org/fileadmin/user_upload/fsn/docs/UNFPAFoodCrisis_Demographics Nov19-versionMarch20. pdf Neondo, H. (2003). Kenya-Experts call for Urba

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Introduction to Linguistics Essay

What is meant by the field of linguistics? This introductory chapter concerns some dimensions of linguistics, which give us a general idea of what linguistics is, including the history of linguistic, grammar, and other disciplines of linguistics study. What does grammar consist of and what are the relationship between one and another? How many languages do human beings have the capacity to acquire? What other studies are made in recent centuries? Each of these aspects are clearly described, and other chapters will go into further details. While in this chapter we will provide some less detailed information on the various aspects of linguistics mentioned so far. 1. 1 Defining Linguistics There is nothing that can be said by mathematical symbols and relations which cannot also be said by words. The converse, however, is false. Much that can be and is said by words cannot successfully be put into equations, because it is nonsense. C. Truesdell Linguistics is a study to describe and explain the human faculty of language. There is no doubt that linguistics has changed through human development. 1. 1. 1 History of linguistics The history of linguistics can be divided into three periods: antiquity, middle ages and modern linguistics. Antiquity Dating back to earlier period of linguistics, linguistics is often associated with a need to disambiguate discourse, especially for ritual texts or in arguments. Ancient Indians made a big contribution to linguistics development. Similarly, ancient Chinese played a key role in improving linguistics development. Around the same time as the Indian developed, ancient Greek philosophers were also debating the nature and origins of language. During this period, syntax and the use of particles developed fast. In addition, scholars proposed that word meanings are derived from sentential usage. 1. 1. 1. 2 Middle Ages In Middle East, in terms of expanding Islam in 8th century, a large number of people learn Arabic. Because of this, the earliest grammar came to being gradually. At the same time, Sibawayh, a famous scholar, wrote a book to distinguish phonetics from phonology. In the 13th century, Europeans introduced the notion of universal grammar. Modern Linguistics Modern linguistics’ beginning can date back to the late 18th century. With time passing by, the study of linguistics contains increasing contents. Meanwhile, it is used in other fields, computer, e. g. , has come to be called computational linguistics. The study of applications (as the recovery of speech ability) is generally known as applied linguistics. But in a narrower sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories of language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second language. Other related branches include anthropological linguistics, neurological linguistics, mathematical linguistics, and computational linguistics. However, linguistics is only a part of a much larger academic discipline, semiotics. It is the scientific study of language. It studies not just one single language of any one society, just like Chinese or French, but the language of all human beings. A linguist, though, does not have to know and use a large number of languages, but to investigate how each language is constructed. In short, linguistics studies the general principles whereupon all human languages are constructed and operated as systems of communication in their societies or communities. 1. 1. 2 An Interesting Comparison Linguistics is a broad field to study, therefore, a linguist sometimes is only able to deal with one aspect of language at a time, and thus various branches arise: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, applied linguistics, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, lexicology, lexicography, etymology and so on. Suppose that the study of linguistics can be considered to be a computer, so linguistics is equal to the CPU, which supports all the other parts. Moreover, sound card would stand for phonetics and phonology, and then morphology and semantics are like the memory of the computer. What’s more, syntax plays as an important role to translate single words to a whole sentence which is full of meaning, just like a graphics card, which uses picture to make sense of the idea of memory stick. Finally, everything is ready, it’ s time to use computer and the same goes for language acquisition. Very interestingly, the properties of computer are amazingly similar to human language. from www. iflytek. com/english/Research-Introduction%20to%20TTS. htm Above all, linguistics is concerned with the study of verbal language– particularly speech and written language. What’s more, language is a system and there is a set of options of which one must be chosen depending on the purpose and context. (Marie E. & John P. , 1991, p. 64). 1. 2 The broad study of language Language is a highly complex system of communication, so it sometimes will be called a ‘system of systems’. It is used to construct, exchange, express, and record information and ideas. It performs these functions effectively because it is based upon systems that are understood by those using the language. In this chapter, four topics will be concerned. They are phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. In this section, some overall definitions and interactions among the four parts will be talked about. 1. 2. 1 Phonology In order to assist learners at the early stages of literacy, it is very important to understand the relationship between sounds and letters. The sounds of speech are studied in phonetics and phonology. (Marie E. & John P, 1991) 1. 2. 1. 1 Definitions of phonology and phonetics Phonology is the study of sound systems- the invention of distinctive speech sounds that occurs in a language and the patterns wherein they fall. In other words, we study the abstract side of the sounds of language, a related but different subject that we call phonology (Peter, 2000). In short, it is about patterns and roots. On the other hand, it is more strict linguistics. Phonetics is the science which studies the characteristics of human sound-making, especially sounds used in speech, and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. In common, speech sound is used everywhere, and it can be divided into three parts: articulatory phonetics, auditory phonetics, and acoustic phonetics. . 2. 1. 2 The difference between phonology and phonetics It seems that phonology and phonetics are similar. That is why both of them make learners confused. In fact, they have great difference. Phonology pays attention to how speech sounds of a language pattern are put together according to regular rules. On the contrary, phonetics focuses mainly on description of how speech sounds are made. For instance, if someone says â€Å"we should get our two lips close together and then push them open with a strong air†, that means he or she is relevant to phonetics field.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Be Your Best Self

Being your best self can mean a lot of things to different people, but what does it mean to me? To me it means being your own Superman. It means to be everything you can possibly be; to be confident in yourself, in not only looks but knowing you can do anything. It means to help everyone; to be kind, caring, and sweet. Being your best self means to be happy and live your life. Confidence means having faith in yourself in many ways.It means to know you are beautiful in every way. Having confidence means knowing you can do anything and everything you set your mind to. To be your best self means to help everyone. You need to be kind, sweet, and compassionate. Help them in school subject areas or running errands. Help them when they need it, whether its getting them help or helping them yourself.. Plain and simple be a good friend. God has given you one life to live before you go up to Heaven with him, and you need to live it up.No I’m not saying go crazy and get twenty tattoos th at cover your body, unless that’s what you want, but be happy. Life is too short to go through it being upset and depressed. So go find love in your best friend, keep faith in the Lord, and go get a little too crazy with your friends. Just make sure you are happy with everything you do. Superman lives in a town in Kansas, were later on in life he finds love in Lois Lane. If Superman was not his best self, his whole town would submit to complete destruction.His love would not be with him anymore, for he helps her and saves her life all the time. Superman is the best role model for being your best self. The Distinguished Young Women Association, or Jr. Miss, helps young women be their best self. Maybe not all of the characteristics, but from experience it does make you happier and a more confident individual. I know this because while participating in this program, I have been happier and I have never been more confident in myself.

Case Analysis: Netflix

1.0 Problem Statement: This case analysis deals with â€Å"Loss of Revenues and declining growth of Netflix in the face of stiff competition.† 2.0Scenario: Founded in the year 1997 by Reed Hastings, the company started the DVD online service in 1999 and expanded rapidly to be the world’s largest Online DVD movie rental service in the year 2005, having 3.59 million subscribers as at the third quarter of 2005. The company has the exclusive advantage of proprietary software ‘Cinematch’ to provide subscribers with personalized movie recommendations. The company has 37 regional shipping locations to efficiently manage the logistics of the DVDs. Netflix has eight different subscriptions plans ranging from $9.99 to $ 47.99 for the customers to choose from with no time limit for the return of the DVDs, of course subject to a maximum number of DVDs the subscriber can hold at any point of time. The Company faces the problem of decline in profits due to lower subscription prices. To combat the competition from the nearest rival Blockbusters Neflix had to lower the subscription in its premium segment. The decline in revenues had made the company to put on hold its expansion plans to UK and Canada. 3.0 Analysis: The analysis of the case of Netflix presents three distinct problem areas relating to the structure and design of the organization which the company needs to concentrate on. They are: 3.1 Revision in subscription Rates: The company was rather forced to lower its subscription rates to cope up with the competition from the rivals. The reduction being in the most sought segment of $ 21.99 plan, has severely affected the revenue realization of the company. As a result the cost of revenues rose to 59.71 percent for the first nine months period of the year 2005 as compared to 54.61 percent for the year 2004. This has caused a decline in the gross profit. There is no significant change in the operating expenses to total revenues. The percentage of operating expenses remains at 41.5 percent for 2004 and 40.2 percent for the first three quarters of 2005. 3.2 Number of Subscribers: Though there is an increase in the number of subscribers the rate at which the subscriber list is expanding does not relate itself with the reduction in the subscription rates. This is evident from the fact that the subscriber acquisition cost has increased from $ 36.09 for the year 2004 to $ 36.92 for the broken period of 2005. In order to break even it is essential for the company to concentrate on increasing the number of subscriber base to result in enhanced rental revenues. Addition to the subscribers is at 75.5 percent for the year 2004, whereas it stood at 37.6 percent for the first nine months of 2005. Even considering the estimated increase to 4 million subscribers at the end of 2005 the percentage addition would still remain at 53.25 percent which is not working to the advantage of the company in terms of revenues. This may be due to the presence of competitors as well as other modes available to the subscribers for obtaining movie DVDs. 3.3 Diversification: Netflix has so far been only on the online rental of movie DVDs. The competition in this particular segment of the business is increasing with more players like Blockbusters and Green cine entering the business. Moreover the Video on Demand (VOD) and brick and mortar rental outlets like Gallery also pose a competition to Netflix’s business. Although it is estimated that the company would be able to get a subscriber network of 7 million by the end of the year 2007, unless the company takes steps to enhance its revenue from other sources still it may find it difficult to take advantage of the increased subscriber base. 4.0 Conclusion: The following are some of the issues that need to be attended to by the company Netflix to augment its revenue and the resultant profitability: Rate of increase the number of subscribers is not commensurate to increase the earnings The subscription rates are kept low to meet the competition which has caused an erosion in the earnings The company is facing competition from companies who offer other modes of providing the entertainment options. 5.0 Recommendations: Some of the suggestions for improvement in the earnings and ensure the growth are: Increase the number of subscribers by undertaking vigourous advertisement campaigns Reduce the number of options for subscribers from the present 8 options to 4, by rationalizing the subscription rates and adopting modified subscription structures which will increase the earnings for the company Have a look in to the other modes of offering DVDs by opening brick and mortar stores using the existing goodwill of the company. Additionally providing VOD services and rental of game DVDs may also be looked into.